"I suppose it can't be too threatening anymore, when you can only cover one planet on a horse."

Apr 03, 2014 11:55

AMP14 - Day Twenty-One

Do you ever get some feedback - on a podfic, or a fic, or some art, or even just in your inbox for no real reason at all - where it's just the most amazing thing to have happened to you all day? And then you sit there, reading it over and over again, thinking, "How the heck does this person think I'm this awesome? I don't think I'm this awesome!" And then you go to reply, but the words don't come, because this was a really lovely piece of feedback and nothing you write is going to be equal in scope (though it should be equally sincere), so you leave the letter in your inbox with the thought that you'll come back to it tomorrow, when you've re-alligned your worldview to include someone who thinks you're THAT great? But then it turns into a week later, a month later, and you've brought it out to re-read on more than one occasion, but you still haven't replied, and by now you start to feel like a major asshole, because that person left you this amazing gift of feelings and appreciation in your inbox, and you have NO FREAKiNG CLUE what to say that's better than thank you, except thank you on a computer screen just doesn't seem to cut it? Because that feedback was just the best thing you could have never even asked for, really, and just.... words fail.

Yeah, um, back in February? I got some really lovely feedback from akaineechan. And so I recorded a podfic where Leonard 'Bones' McCoy is a descendant of John 'Reaper' Grimm, complete with physical upgrades and immortal Granddaddy, as a thank-you for that feedback. It's not quite the same thing, but hopefully it'll express my gratitude. And for those of you listening out there who aren't owed a thank-you note, feel free to enjoy this purely on the basis of a DOOM-Star Trek Reboot crossover level: Family Resemblance ( part one and part two), written by tigriswolf.

This podfic has a run-time of 00:10:29, and can be downloaded as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above.

Annnnnd, since the previous podfic just BARELY puts me over the self-imposed minimum of 10 minutes, let's have another one! This time, it's Lives On, a Good Omens/Firefly crossover written by tieleen. I really loved the world-building in this one - the integration of Pepper into the 'verse, and how the lack of Horsemen might be affecting things. Pepper just seems so tired in this fic, which is a contrast to her attitude in the book, but makes perfect sense in consideration of the history tieleen has weighted around her neck in this fic. And River! She knows more than Pepper is comfortable with, and I love it.

This podfic has a run-time of 00:10:35, and can be downloaded as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above. Enjoy your post-(averted)-Apocalyptic podfic!

podfic, amp 2014, i made coverart!, fandom: firefly, fandom: doom, fandom: good omens, there's a girl in my bunk!

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