AMP14 - Day Three
So, here's the plan: I post a minimum of ten minutes of podfic per day, for the duration of AMP14. As in, if a podfic is less than 10 minutes long, I get to post two podfics, so there's enough minutes. Good plan? Good plan.
First up:
On The Road, written by
radioaches (who has BP) - a Fili/Kili Hobbit fanfic, full of camping and denied longing and outdoor masturbation - with a little bit of voyeurism thrown in. I made this as a birthday present for
quintenttsy... with about three minutes to spare, until her birthday was over. On the plus side, I have now figured out that it's totally possible to complete all stages of podfic - recording, editing, coverarting, and uploading - on my smartphone. On the minus side, there's only seven minutes of Kili (being a manipulative little shit of a younger brother) and Fili (trying to be good but so bad at denying what Kili wants) to put in your ears.
This podfic has a total run-time of 00:06:26, and you can download this podfic as an mp3
right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above. Happy belated birthday,
quintenttsy <3
Next, we've got
Avenger's City, an Avengers movie'verse fanfic written by
litra (who has Blanket Permission AND is an awesome podficcer, to boot!). This story is full of so much hometown pride, I got a little choked up about it. Throughout the story,
litra manages to pair up each Avenger with their perfect neighborhood - all the while showing the same love for the five boroughs of New York as she does for each member of the team. My favorite line in the story, for dozens of reasons but mostly because it's so PERFECT, is this one: "Jersey tried to claim him, but in true New York style everyone ignored them." (Actually, later in the day I recorded this podfic, I was catching the M66 bus from the Met, and my mom goes, "Put your hat on. You look like a tourist." And all I could do was laugh, because this story's love for the City was still so fresh in my mind that I almost didn't mind the grievous insult she'd dealt me.)
I used the song
NewYork, New York, as performed by Frank Sinatra, for my Intro/Outro music. Yeah, I couldn't resist it. This podfic has a run-time of 00:09:35, and can be downloaded as an mp3
right over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above.