COVER ME! An Emergency Podfic Coverart Meme

Mar 04, 2014 10:07

Do You Need Some Podfic Coverart?
Do You Like Making Podfic Coverart?
COVER ME! An Emergency Podfic Coverart Meme

How It Works

1. Leave a post with all the pertinent info.

- the podficcer's name

- the author's name

- the story title

- the fandom

- a link to the fic

2. Tell your friends where to find the awesome (snag a banner to share the joy).

3. Look through the comments for podfics that need art. Make some art. Make someone smile.

4. Someone will reply to your post with delicious podfic coverart realness, that you can attach to your podfic and pimp out all over the place.

Easy peasy! And make sure to check out the rest of
amp_support, for helpful posts about fic-finding, cheerleading, and goal-setting to get you through AMP14 in peace.

memememememe, exciting technical developments, amp 2014, someone made coverart!, i made coverart!, collaborative projects

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