“Stop looking at me like I matter.”

Jan 18, 2014 21:40

Holy turn-around time, Batman! I found this story yesterday, asked the author for podfic permission (literally within hours of herpexia leaving a really nice comment on one of my podfics - talk about your meet-cute right there), recorded the podfic while Middlest Sis picked up pizza as last night's dinner, and made the cover art this morning (on my phone). I just... yeah, I really loved this story.

Black Poison Blood, written by herpexia, summed up everything broken and striving and lovely and yearning that I adore about Loki/Tony fics, in just over a thousand words. The way herpexia deals with Tony's feelings of inadequacy, especially as it all ties in with the events of Iron Man as his fracture-point, is gorgeous. The repeated mirror imagery associated with Loki in this story fits perfectly - whether it's because objects in mirrors are frequently closer than they appear, or because a mirror's reflection is always backwards from reality, or because a broken mirror will show you multiple refractions when you look at it, Loki is just as shattered and slippery as silvered glass. Basically, reading Black Poison Blood STABBED ME IN THE SOUL WITH FEELINGS with every word I read.

This podfic is 00:11:21 long, and can be downloaded as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream this story by clicking above. The Intro/Outro music for this podfic is Up In The Air, as performed by 30 Seconds To Mars, because that's my definitive Loki/Tony everyone-is-broken-and-everything-is-self-destructive jam. Enjoy!

fandom: avengers, fandom: iron man, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!

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