( non-#ITPE Stocking Stuffer for fire_juggler )

Dec 25, 2013 12:44

Title: this ink is runny and that page is blank
Author: kuro49
Reader: reena_jenkins
Coverartist: reena_jenkins
Rating: G
Fandoms: Graceland
Pairing: Paul Briggs/Mike Warren
Warnings: possible spoilers for episodes 2 & 3
Length: 00:08:21

Author's Summary: "Paul Briggs is not a man you can put on paper."

Download link: You can download this podfic as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!)

Why I Think fire_juggler Will Love It: Because I'm not sorry at ALL that I dragged her into Graceland, but I did kind of feel like I should make the transition worth her while.

Why Everyone Else Will Love It: There just isn't NEARLY enough Graceland podfic out there. Or Graceland fic. Or Graceland vids. Somebody should really get on that - I've got plotbunnies galore, if you're looking for inspiration....

i blame everything on twitter, other people's fanfic, podfic, fandom: graceland, i made coverart!

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