“Do not adjust your sets. We are controlling transmission. Well. I am.”

Nov 08, 2013 20:32

Truths, Lies and the Tipping Point, written by black_eyedgirl (who has Blanket Permission to Podfic), is one of my favorite Team Bonding fics. Set in the first few weeks immediately post-Avengers movie, this fic acknowledges that, as a team, the Avengers really shouldn't work - and the Avengers themselves know it. They've got problems following orders, problems working as a team, problems trusting each other.... and they've certainly got problems with PR. So when Fox News decides to highlight the Avengers one night, it's totally understandable that Tony would get a bit upset. For a value of 'upset' that means 'hijacking their satellite, interrupting their broadcast, and making sure he gets a turn to talk'.

What happens during that news broadcast.....well, that's why you're going to download the podfic, right?

With a runtime of about seventeen minutes, this podfic is available to download as an mp3 right over here (thank you, paraka, for hosting me!) OR you can stream the story by clicking above. 

fandom: thor, fandom: avengers, fandom: iron man, other people's fanfic, podfic, i made coverart!, fandom: captain america

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