Okay, so, life. It's been busy. Blah, blah, blah, this is the part where I pretend I'm really exciting and say interesting things. Or....not. Let's cut to the podfic.
Podfic #1
Y'know, I was thinking that I'd been reading a whole lot of Supernatural fic lately, and that I should get back to my SGA roots. But, actually, the very first piece of fanfic I ever read, lo these many years ago, was Pirates of the Caribbean fic. Yes, really. I was very impressed with the author's portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow. I know...it was (and, truth be told, still is) the guyliner, I think. I just can't help myself....
Now, this fic isn't actually a crossover with PotC, but it does have pirates and privateers and Rodeny as an experimental gun designer. Written by
jadesfire2808, the main story is titled
Port Call, and its timestamp is called
Pilferage, Pirates, and Plotting. Recorded together, they make up an exciting and adventurous 27 minutes. Go, listen,
the podfic is here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me!). Or, you can find it at the
Audiofic Archive - go there, as well. Or, you can stream the podfic by clicking below:
Podfic #2
Again written by
jadesfire2808 (who put her name up on the please-feel-free-to-podfic-my-stories-no-questions-asked list over at
amplificathon, so you know, should probably expect me to record more of her stuff eventually as it's almost all entirely awesome (and the stuff that isn't awesome is still pretty good)), my next podfic comes in at just over 17 minutes.
Five mission reports Sheppard's team turned in (and one they didn't) is, as it sounds, a five-times fic. Yet, in this sparse format,
jadesfire2808 manages to fit in angst, humor, the obligatory transformation-into-wild-animals, and even some discussion on the correct use of capitalization mid-sentence. I thought it was a pretty cute ficlet, and it's the perfect kind of thing to listen to while waiting on line or at the bus stop - not so long or involved that you'll be anxious when you have to put your iPod away, but enough substance to entertain you while you need it. Give it a listen, you can
find the podfic here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me!). You can also find it at the
Audiofic Archive. Or, you can stream the podfic by clicking below:
Podfic #3
Coming in last place, length-wise, is
Interpreted Languages. The story's only 6 minutes long, yet managed to completely enrapture me when I read it. I was all "Where's the rest of this 'verse?", forgetting for a moment that sometimes, people only write one story about something and, you know, are actually allowed to do that 'cause they're the authors. But, seriously, the crossover she created, merging Heroes and SGA, is so vibrant and wonderful and I kinda completely want to know more about what the various gadgets say about the different members of the Atlantis Expedition. Also, the fic was written for a challenge, and was inspired by a certain photograph; I put to use my very meager photoediting skizillz, and made coverart! Woohoo! Yay me! Go,
download the podfic here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me!) Or, find the podfic at the
Audiofic Archive.) Listen, and wish silently for more adventures of Micah on Atlantis.... Also! you can stream this story by clicking below:
Hope you enjoy my attempts to get back on the podficcing train, and have a nice night!