I gotta get this off my chest...

Apr 02, 2008 13:54

So, there's this fic. I can't stop reading it. I have read various parts of it three or four times, and I can't get away from it. If you're not into slash, read no further. I have very high standards when it comes to this category, and this fit everything I could want into one of the longest fics I have ever read. H/c? Check. Angst? Ya betcha. Het? Yup. Friendship? Absolutely. Slash? Yessireebob.

Auburn, I bow to thee.

In the City of Seven Walls. There. I said it. Slight spoilers ahead, but I can't even scratch the surface of this one.

It is the only fic I've read that I have vivid dreams about. Mostly because it's a lush setting, and the writer is very detailed. This is a bitexual/non-con/slave fic, but it doesn't start that way. John and Rodney are kidnapped and sold as slaves. John becomes very desirable, as he has unique physical attributes. (No! Not that! Get your mind out of the gutter. On the other hand...)

In a matriarchal society, the Haralim needs an heir. Her - husband, business partner, king - the Rale has been unsuccessful. So she buys a bedroom slave. In comes John, who has the same dark hair and, most importantly, green-hazel eyes as the Rale.

Of course, John won't submit, so he is given a drug that causes him great pain. When I say great, I mean horrible. Rodney takes care of him. Rodney ends up with John because they won't be separated. So the Haralim puts him to work as a scholar, translating Ancient text.

Under threat, John is sent away to train as the Haralim's Chosen. He submits finally, and becomes a servant. John is dressed in the finest silks, jewelry, and forced to sit at the side of the Haralim, who treats him like a prized pet, and he must obey her whim. Soon, John is introduced to dranzi, and his world will never be the same. As much as moa caused him pain, dranzi brings pleasure, and it's like Ecstasy. When his services are required, John's skin is painted with symbols, the tips of his hair dyed red, and his head covered with a veil, then drugged.

Yes. Enter slashy-ness. Then, John meets the Rale. Hoo boy. Poor John didn't see that one coming. Now, the plot seriously thickens, including a failed assassination, an addiction, a child, happiness, profound sadness, fisticuffs, a great discovery, and a rescue of sorts. John and Rodney finally come home to a very changed Atlantis.

By the end, I was so moved, which is so not me. I mean, like, curled up on my bed contemplating my stupid existence. Like I said, vivid dreams of sand and heat and reds and golds.

Not for the faint of heart, or those with a short attention span. This labor of love is nearly 172,000 words. I had to print most of it out and used almost a ream and a half of paper because my eyes couldn't take it.

There. I'll just be over in that corner, rocking back and forth, and mumbling incoherently. *is ded*

commercial break, recs

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