[Character Name] Feferi Peixes
[Canon] Homestuck
[Point Taken from Canon] The moment of her death
[Age] 6 Alternian solar sweeps, or about 13 Earth years
[Gender] female
[Sexual Orientation] Being an entirely different species with an entirely different culture, trolls have complicated relationship structures and a unique form of sexual reproduction. However, because most of Feferi's close interpersonal relationships have been with males (her moirallegiance with Eridan, and her potential matespritship with Sollux), it can be argued that she is heterosexual.
[Eye Color] Black, with a yellow sclera.
[Hair Color] Black.
[Height] About 5'1"
[Other] Feferi has grey skin with tyrian purple flushing where humans would flush red. She has two horns growing from the top of her head, angling slightly away from each other, reminiscent of the zodiac sign for Pisces, ♓.She has a rather stocky build, with excellent musculature. She also has two fins, one on each side of her face.
Garb of a Princess [Background]
Feferi is the princess and future ruler of Alternia and all the planets and star systems that it has brought under its control over the centuries. She was, in a previous timeline, the ancestor of a troll who originally played the Game now known as Sgrub, or Sburb. It is unknown if she was born the same way as all other trolls, or if she was born and pupated in a different way.
As the Condesce is in the farthest reaches of the galaxy taking over planets in the name of Alternia, Feferi has largely raised herself, while simultaneously taking care of her enormous lusus, Gl'bgolyb, and keeping her moirail, Eridan Ampora, in line. She lives in a palace in the sea, with several pet cuttlefish; as the trolls are an angry and warlike species, she is expected to be destructive and kill, or cull, the weak and infirm, but Feferi has decided to redefine "culling" to mean "caring for", hence her Troillian handle of "cuttlefishCuller".
When the troll kids start the game of Sgrub, Feferi is on the Blue Team, and upon entering the Medium, she jumps straight through the first gate without any modifications to her hive; the only other troll capable of such a feat is Equius, establishing that she is at least as physically strong as he. The Vast Glub occurs as the game begins, killing every remaining troll in the galaxy (the last of the troll cast, Sollux, is also killed by this, as he fails to enter the medium before it occurs) except for the Condesce, who doesn't make it back to Alternia in time to stop it. Gl'bgolyb dies (it is unknown how), and falls into Feferi's kernelsprite; the resulting Dersite King is thus capable of releasing a Vast Glub as well, though Aradia is able to counter such.
After the end of the game and the creation of the human kids' universe, Feferi escapes to the Veil with the other trolls. She falls asleep in Gamzee's horn pile, and when Jack Noir destroys Derse, her dreamself is killed as well. After this, she spends time talking to Sollux about feelings, and becomes deeply attracted to him; Eridan, who Feferi had rejected and fight Sollux, knocking him out; enraged, Feferi attacks Eridan, who kills her with his magic science wand.
It seems that all trolls are capable of visiting other being's dream bubbles; Feferi visits Jade's dream bubble, after the destruction of the human kids' Prospit, and at some point after her death, she visits Sollux and tells him it's okay and she's not suffering.
Feferi is relentlessly optimistic, friendly, perky, and energetic. She's often excited, and believes that despite the desperate situation she and the few remaining members of her race are in, things will work out and be okay. Despite having the highest bloodcaste rank, she believes that the other trolls are her equals, and treats them accordingly, with respect and dignity. She's aware of the duties and responsibilities that she carries; one of her central jobs is to feed her immense lusus (guardian), Gl'bgolyb, and prevent it from ever raising its voice or unleashing the Vast Glub. In addition, she is Eridan's moirail, a position that requires her to keep him in check and provide moral support.
After the destruction of Alternia, Feferi abdicates her future role as the Empress, and rejects Eridan. Instead, she begins talking to the human kids, interacting with the other trolls, and even develops a potentially romantic (or "flushed") relationship with Sollux Captor. In fact, despite losing her empire, palace, cuttlefish, lusus, and entire planet, Feferi seems happier in the Veil than she had been on Alternia.
This is not to say that Feferi is completely innocent and sweet; in fact, she has a rude and harsh side, and can be contemptuous of others if she perceives them as inferior in certain respects. Despite getting on well with the other trolls by and large, she remains bitingly cold and even mocking towards Eridan and his repeated attempts at wooing her. She is also rude and sarcastic towards Jade at points, despite being overall quite friendly. It can still be argued that she's one of the more benign trolls - after all, she does not attempt to talk the kids into deadly situations, and has not to the reader's knowledge killed any of her own kind - but she is definitely still a troll, with all the personality and cultural differences that accompany her species.
As a sea-dwelling alien troll, Feferi possesses many qualities that are far different from humans. She can breathe underwater, withstand intense water pressure at immense depths, and swim for long distances. She is amphibious, and does not appear to have any specific requirements on land. She wields a double-sided trident, though her use of it is not seen.
It is implied in fanon that Feferi possesses psychic abilities; however, the only instance in which she would use these abilities would be in speaking to Gl'bgolyb, who whispers to her instead. She does seem to have some talent in navigating dream bubbles already, however. It seems that she is immune to Vriska's mind-control abilities, perhaps because she is higher on the hemospectrum than Vriska.
Edit 08/22/11: In addition, Feferi may have life-extending abilities. In recent updates, we learned about her ancestor and the current ruler of Alternia, the Imperial Condesce. The Condesce is functionally immortal, surviving even the Vast Glub unleashed when Alternia was being destroyed. She had traveled to the farthest reaches of the galaxy, using Sollux's ancestor to power and navigate her ship, and lengthening his lifespan to keep her campaign of terror (Meet new and interesting aliens! Kill new and interesting aliens!) going strong. Because she is the successor to the current Condesce, and shares her place on the hemospectrum, it is therefore possible that Feferi has this ability. However, she is never seen using it, and it is also very possible she does not know it exists.
It is strongly recommended that you read
this HS wiki page before initiating a relationship with any troll, in order to understand how their primary interpersonal relationship system works. I only say this because it is extremely complicated and the wiki explains it a million times better than I could.
With that said, Feferi will not understand certain things about humans. She is the equivalent of twelve years old, but from a completely different species and culture. Any attempts at a sexual relationship will result in Feferi not liking the other party, to put it very lightly.
In addition, troll reproduction is done using buckets carried to a mother grub. Trolls view buckets as sexual objects, much like humans would view marital aids, pornography, or even sexual organs. You are welcome to use this to create hilarity and lulz; however, be warned that if such things are forced on her, Feferi will retaliate and again, very much not like the instigator. tl;dr, don't put a bucket on her head, she'll kick your ass.
Finally, Feferi's only familiarity with kissing is in the context of raising the dead (in her instance, Sollux).
[Fighting] Feferi is solidly built and muscular; I follow
Sock's explanation of her body type, as it's biologically sound. She propels herself with her legs, so she can pull dead or dying lusi behind her with her arms. She does not have a large amount of fighting experience, as Eridan kills the lusi she collects, and she doesn't actually kill the cuttlefish she collects. She doesn't appear to fight the imps upon entering the medium, but I could be wrong about this, as very little of the troll's game is seen. In addition, Eridan killed her before she could do any damage to him.
For these reasons, it can be assumed that Feferi has very powerful legs, but questionable hand-to-hand combat experience. Feferi's weapon is a trident, in keeping with her 2x3dentkind strife specibus, and as she survived to the end of Sgrub with the other trolls, she probably does have combat experience, but not as much as the other trolls do.
[Other Permissions]
Telepathy: Only powerful telepaths would be able to read Feferi's mind. Even Vriska is incapable of this feat. Schuldig from Weiss Kreuz, for example, would be able to read her mind. Weaker telepaths would not be able to read her mind. If you have any questions, please ask!
Fourth wall: Feferi is familiar with people telling her what will happen in the future, as Troillian allows her to see the human kids's future, and Gl'bgolyb often whispers prophecies to her. She might not believe you if you tell her that she's a webcomic character, but she's seen so much weird shit by now in Sgrub and the fallout since, that she probably wouldn't really be surprised by anything anymore.
Anything relating to sexual assault is a no; if this rule is not followed, your character will very likely be maimed or killed. Or have their organs punted out of their ears.
Otherwise, Fef can hold her own.
[Other Facts] Can't think of much off the top of my head, but if I do, I'll update this space!