I got my mail to work. I went into the internet options and deleted cookies. whatever. it works now.
BUT still cant get eljay to work. i thought it had something to do with my underscores or something but i logged into my old account "alreadyused" and friends and recent and stuff doesnt work for me on that name either.. =( im a really sad panda right now.
im going to think of things that make me happy. such as...............................
-my kitties
-when i say to my family "why did hellen kellers dog committ suicide.............. you would too if your name was NARHDHHDDRRRUUUUHHH" and everyone starts cracking up but my mom and then she says "i dont get it" which makes my dad laugh even harder cuase he has to explain it to her.
-my new car
-my family
-my friends
-the thought of getting the job i want EEEEEEHEEHEEE
-thinking about future dates to a baseball game
-my birfday is comin up
-daniels smile
-bartlet pear scented candles
-making pretty colored hats
-when i cant sleep and i get back on the computer at two in the morning and jake is always there to say hi to me
-baking cookies
-when pete and some spanish guy i dont know naked giovanni fight over me in spanish and i cant understand what they're saying but i can tell that they're fighting over me
-daniels eyes
-tonys cat
-going on dinner and a movie dates with daniel. espeically double features
-if i can have a birfday party with all my family instead of seperate ones
-this picture above me
-and the one over on my dresser
-ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space
-daniels hair
-long drives in a car that doesnt suck or break down
-spending the night with my boyfriend
-how soft my face is right now
-my piggy bank
-doing my laundry
-shaving my legs...
-sending out (fax, email, mail, whatev) resumes and getting like 10 responses
-daniels butt (okay so just about everything about my boyfriend could be listed here.. but ill stop now)
-dave matthews band
-creating, keeping, and continunously looking through scrap books and photo albums
-my stocking still hanging on my closet door
-my room is clean
-the smell of rain
-when dan touches my face, or plays with my hair, or holds me really tight, or kisses my forhead
-when i'm playing with dans hair, or carressing his face, or holding him, or kissing him
i am such a wussy for my boyfriend right now. its pretty gross. it happens late at night when i cant sleep and i think about him a lot and get lonely. maybe i'll start taking sleeping pills
something that makes me sad is:
-that i cant sleep.. i think ill try now that i have all those happy things to think about