This has been the week from hell...

Dec 17, 2004 16:05

So ya, since Saturday I've had three finals and worked 23 hrs at the bookstore,and I still have one final and 17 hrs of work to go before vacation. I'm so sick of studying, but I'm just trying to take it one day at a time. My psych final today was worth half of my grade...that's just plain wrong. But whatever, I'm done!
Tonight Jess is coming down, and we're (Elina included) going to mall-it-up. It's SO sad that mall food is more appetizing than the food at PC, but whatever. And then we'll movie-it-up...probably "Closer," but maybe "Spanglish." Who knows? It will just be good to get away from my dorm room and my books.
I'm working tomorrow, but I have Sunday off, which will be dedicated to my philosophy final. woot.
In other news, guys suck. I realize that this is a harsh generalization. But I don't care at the moment. It's funny how quickly relationships change. Three months ago, I really liked said boy, and I was sooo happy when he asked me out. Now I can't even be in the same room with him. Again, boys suck. Well, all the ones I know anyway. The end.
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