Sep 24, 2015 08:19

It's that time, our lovelies!! The due date for submissions is post-nigh (I'm not sure if that's the accurate way to say "here", but it looks cool).

To submit, just send an e-mail to reeltorchwood at gmail dot com. Please put in the subject line your LJ handle and the title of the film prompt you claimed. Then attach your fic to it. You can attach as a pdf, doc or docx. Please let us know if you have a preferred post date or an "I definitely can't post" date. We will send e-mails with your posting date either Saturday or Sunday; both your mods are in Pacific time in the U.S. if that helps you at all. We are looking to have submissions start posting on Monday the 28th.

If you do not receive an e-mail with your posting date by Monday the 28th, comment on this post. The gmail apparently ate jolinarjackson's e-mail, so the only way we knew we missed their submission was because they posted a comment asking about it (and thank you for that, by the way!). We want to make sure that, if this happens again, we know it happened.

If you need an extension, please let us know what your projected completion date is. If your submission is done, but still in the hands of your beta, submit it as-is, but put in the body of your e-mail that your beta still has it and let us know when you think you'll have the completed fic back and ready to post. If an extension will not help you and you need to drop out, we understand, just let us know. Also, if the muses/bunnies bite you this weekend after you've told us you're dropping out, but now you have it done and want to drop back in, let us know--we will find a spot in the schedule for you!

Again, we try to be as laid back as we can--the point of this comm is to generate new fic, so if you think a slight extension (less than 2 weeks) will help or if you suddenly find yourself at 3:00am with a finished fic after you've dropped out, let us know; we are happy to find a way to get your fic posted here.

And to save posts, this lovely post gives you all the info you need for when it comes time to post your fic.

Thank you all again for participating; this is shaping up to be one of our best rounds in a long time!

submissions, screening 8, !modpost

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