Title: The Bad Neighbor
firesnapPrompt: Fright Night
Character/Pairings: Gwen/Rhys, Jack/Ianto
Rating: R for language and implied sexual situations.
Warnings: Some violence, Implied sexual situations
Spoilers: First two seasons of Torchwood. Hardly anything for Fright Night
Word Count: 30,575
Disclaimer: I don’t own any character from Torchwood, and only borrowed the name of a character from Fright Night and some fairly basic ideas. I only did it for fun, no profit, so please forgive.
Summary: Rhys Williams knows there's something wrong with his neighbor. It's a shame no one seems to be listening to him.
beachcoma<- Huge hugs to her for stepping in at the last minute and reading through this. Any mistakes left are my own, as she tried to be as thorough as she could in the time she had.
Author's Notes: Okay. First, I'm late. I'm sorry,
reel_torchwood. Finals and so on. My story is completely set in Torchwood pre-CoE. There are no real spoilers for Fright Night, as this is just a Torchwood adventure loosely based on some of the plot ideas from Fright Night and stealing some of the personality of their villain.
Part One Here