Title: Charm City, My Arse
faithharkness Prompt: The Big Easy (although so loosely based that it’s almost unrecognizable)
Characters/Pairings: Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones; Gwen Cooper/Rhys Williams; Owen Harper; Toshiko Sato; John Hart; Andy Davidson; Gray; Idris Hopper; Eugene Jones; Kathy Swanson (burgeoning Tosh/Kathy implied); Reginald Guppy; Suzie Costello; Bilis Manger; Hannah Summers-Fogg
Rating: R
Warnings: Language, violence, sex. Character deaths and serious wounding of characters. Putting beloved (by some) characters in mean, nasty roles. And killing them.
Word count: ~11,300
Disclaimer: The characters of Torchwood belong to the BBC, He Who Shall Not Be Named and, I’d argue, Steven Moffatt (at least for Jack). The storyline and characters of The Big Easy belong to Trimark Pictures.
Summary: Jack Harkness has been sent to Cardiff by Director Yvonne Hartman to investigate the goings-on of Torchwood Three and bring them to heel. He finds himself flustered and maneuvered by Three’s most infamous operative, one Ianto Jones.
Beta: My dear
morwencath Author’s Note: In this AU, the Doctor and Queen Victoria parted on much better terms and the Doctor is counted as a trusted advisor, not the Crown’s enemy.
For your reading pleasure
here at LJ or
here at Dreamwidth.
And I'm putting in this line here because apparently ending the post with the links doesn't work. Effing LJ.