Title: Torchwood Twyn
bookwrm89 Prompt:
Notting Hill Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Owen/Tosh, Jack/John, Andy/Kathy Swanson, past Ianto/Rose, past Ianto/Tosh
Rating: PG-13 (mainly for language)
Warnings: angst, brief mention of mpreg
Spoilers: All of Torchwood, including COE; Doctor Who through S4 (mainly for characters)
Disclaimer: I don't own either Torchwood or Notting Hill - they belong respectively to the BBC/RTD and Polygram Entertainment/Richard Curtis.
Summary: The life of Torchwood agent Ianto Jones changes forever when he meets the most famous actor in the world.
Author's Notes: Written for Round 2 of the
reel_torchwood fic challenge. Thank you to my wonderful betas and handholders -
cjharknessgirl ,
faithharkness , and
teachwriteslash. Any remaining mistakes are all me!
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