Title: My Big Fat Welsh Wedding, or 101 Reasons Why You Should Have Eloped
shadowing_light Prompt: My Big Fat Greek Wedding
Character/Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto (main), Donna/Harry Saxon (The Master), Dr. John Smith(The 10th Doctor)/Rose, Gwen, Tosh, Owen, John Hart, Rhiannon, Mentions of other characters
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: M/M relationship, sexual situations
Spoilers: All of My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Brief mentions of Doctor Who related material up to about the Series 3 finale, and Torchwood characters up to Series 3. But for the most part it’s completely AU.
Word Count: 9,106
Disclaimer:: The BBC and RTD own Torchwood and My Big Fat Greek Wedding to Roadshow Entertainment. And if I owned either I would not be writing fic.
Summary: AU. A Welsh son is meant to be many things... Many things Ianto Jones is not. And then IT happens- he meets the person he wants to spend the rest of his life with: gorgeous, dashing and about as Welsh as apricot chicken and about as Female as he was.
gogo_didi “There’s a difference between support and resignation to the fact that you are getting married to our brother whether we like it or not.”