Title: Who Framed Ianto Harkness-Jones
Author: Caz251
Beta: janiemc - who is simply amazing. Thank you so much.
Prompt: Who Framed Roger Rabbit done with a Torchwood Twist.
Characters: Jack, Ianto, Gwen, Owen, Tosh, Rhys, PC Andy, The Doctor (John Smith), The Master (Harold Saxon), John Hart, and with mention of Suzie, Donna, Martha, Rose and Myfanwy.
Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto, one-sided John/Jack, Doctor (John Smith)/Master (Harold Saxon), Owen/Tosh, mentions of past Rhys/Gwen, Gwen/Others
Rating: pg-15
Warnings: slash, het, character death, cross-dressing, mild language, mild innuendo
Spoilers: Major plot spoilers for the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit and general character spoilers for TV shows Torchwood and Doctor Who.
Artist (cover): Caz251
Word Count: 17001
Disclaimer: I do not own Who Framed Roger Rabbit it belongs to Touchstone Pictures. Neither do I own Torchwood or Doctor Who, both of which belong to the BBC.
Summary: When a man is shot dead after being captured in some semi-intimate pictures with Jack Harkness-Jones Ianto Harkness-Jones becomes the prime suspect in a murder investigation.
AN: This fic is written for reel_torchwood and is based on the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit written so as to give the story a Torchwood twist.
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