Title: The Clash of Worlds: The Fellowship of Neccessity
Author: Fiwen-Galadriel1010
Prompt: The Lord of the Rings, the Fellowship of the Ring
Character/Pairing(s): Torchwood team + OCs and the Doctor and Brigadier. Jack/Ianto
Rating: Teen
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Spoilers for the Lord of the Rings. Some reference to CoE, but even Tosh and Owen are still alive
Word Count: 32121
Disclaimer for TW and the movie you are using: I do not own Torchwood or the Lord of the Rings. Torchwood belongs to the BBC, as does the Doctor, the Brigadier and UNIT, the storyline belongs to Professor Tolkein's estate and New Line Cinema, and Brian Cox belongs to himself. The original characters have disowned me
Summary: Many years ago, Jack Harkness found a strange object, which he promptly forgot all about. Now, though, he must go on a quest to use it to save the world.
Beta: Gogo_didi
Author's Notes: I really feel like I aught to apologise for the gratuitous abuse of cliches. That or just smile smugly and say "yes, I went there". And I really have no idea why Tosh and Owen are there, other than 'they just are'
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