Title: Kirk and Spock's Fascinating Adventure
Author: I seem to be archiving under "pantswarrior" these days...
Movie Adapted:
Bill and Ted's Excellent AdventureFandom: STXI (reboot)
Genre: Comedy, largely gen with a bit of het
Characters/Pairings: Kirk/Edith, Spock/Uhura, and a fair bit of implied crack
Rating: PG
Word Count: 45,000
Warnings: Approximately as historically accurate as the movie it's based on.
Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended; fair use only. Not created for profit.
A/N: Many, many references to TOS episodes. Every "historical" person who appears in this story appears somewhere in Trek canon (or is mentioned as an important historical figure) - and there's even a canon fight with Genghis Khan and Abraham Lincoln. Holy crap, I love TOS.
There are also opening credits at the index page, because I was bored and the idea made me laugh.
Kirk and Spock's Fascinating Adventure