Burn this city down to show you the light (R - NC-17)

Sep 01, 2007 00:00

So many apologies! For some unfathomable reason, I thought the due date was the 31st. Well, here it is. Sorry it's late! *hides*

Title: Burn this city down to show you the light
Author: lyra_wing
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Movie Adapted: The Outsiders
Rating: hard R (language, incest, sex)
Word Count: about 6,600
Summary: Written for reel_spn, an AU of The Outsiders. Teenage Winchesters, gang fights, and some H/C. I know this is a movie AU challenge, but I couldn't help veering my writing style towards the book, as well. Hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer(s): Supernatural and its characters are not mine. Setting and story roughly based on the movie and the book, The Outsiders, written by S. E. Hinton. Umm, story title is a lyric from a Fall Out Boy song (*facepalm*).

(The thing about trouble was that it always found you when you weren't looking for it.)
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