Title: Signs Pairing: Koyama/Tegoshi Rating: PG Summary: AU. Koyama’s not about to let a window get in his way. Notes: A big thank you to my beta for both the beta and the hand-holding.
“You’re a reporter, not a celebrity,” Shige growls. “And it would be creepy for me to do it.” AND HE DOES IT ANYWAY. Because he's Shige and he loves Koyama even when he's an idiot and falls in love with a guy whose job it is to sweet-talk girls.
Koyama perks up at that. He has a fan! He doesn’t get many of those. lol awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. That's kind of desperately adorable. XD Giggling so hard.
“It’s my job to-“ he starts, but he’s interrupted by Tegoshi grabbing his shoulders and tugging. He bends down a little, and is rewarded with Tegoshi’s lips on his. OMG IT WOULD BE JUST LIKE THIS. "I know we've never talked or even been within ten feet of each other but HI I'M GOING TO KISS YOU." <3
I randomly saw the MV once but didn't know the title and singer. It's a cute video. :D
It’s more of a leer than a stare, Koyama thinks when he notices. When Koyama catches his eye, the waiter licks his lips and gives him an exaggerated wink, tapping a hand against his upper arm, then pointing it at Koyama and giving a thumbs up. The look, overall, is outrageous. LOLOLOL Tegoshi. XD
Masuda is a short sports reporter with an adorable smile that has boosted female viewership of their sports corner to new highs. Somehow this line stood out for me. <3 Hot sports reporter Massu, yum.
Comments 6
Tegoshi. D: Why so precious?
“But I have a reputation to uphold!”
“You’re a reporter, not a celebrity,” Shige growls. “And it would be creepy for me to do it.”
AND HE DOES IT ANYWAY. Because he's Shige and he loves Koyama even when he's an idiot and falls in love with a guy whose job it is to sweet-talk girls.
Koyama perks up at that. He has a fan! He doesn’t get many of those.
lol awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. That's kind of desperately adorable. XD Giggling so hard.
“It’s my job to-“ he starts, but he’s interrupted by Tegoshi grabbing his shoulders and tugging. He bends down a little, and is rewarded with Tegoshi’s lips on his.
OMG IT WOULD BE JUST LIKE THIS. "I know we've never talked or even been within ten feet of each other but HI I'M GOING TO KISS YOU." <3
And awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww the ending. <3
Shige is a good friend lol.
It’s more of a leer than a stare, Koyama thinks when he notices. When Koyama catches his eye, the waiter licks his lips and gives him an exaggerated wink, tapping a hand against his upper arm, then pointing it at Koyama and giving a thumbs up. The look, overall, is outrageous.
Masuda is a short sports reporter with an adorable smile that has boosted female viewership of their sports corner to new highs.
Somehow this line stood out for me. <3 Hot sports reporter Massu, yum.
This was cute, thank you! :)
Thanks for reading!
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