Title: Become a Star
Pairing: Taguchi / Kamenashi
Rating: NC-17 for kidnapping, questionable laundry practices, attempted arson/suicide, non-con, and optional character death
Summary: Junnosuke will do anything to make Kazuya shine forever.
Epik High :: Fan (
you are my star, i'm your number one fan )
At this point, all this fic makes me want to scream is
(not to echo the complete freakishness of wanting preserve stardom or anything; I just love what this fic did to me)
It is a tough thing to admit, but I might just possibly love dark fic more than every other genre and you’ve executed this in every way that I most shriek about. Also psycho Taguchi; yes prz *________*
I adore the way you’ve written it so (having not seen the video) I’m not entirely certain what Junno wants from Kame his star.
Of course it's okay. Junnosuke has him all to himself now.
Gdi, I just revel in this sort of tone in prose. The impact of innocence within each scene’s last line gets you over and over. Particularly with the next scene. It’s sooo gripping and my heaaart!!!
He kneels by Kazuya's side, resting his head on his lap, and blinks when something wet falls right on his eyelid.
This old warehouse must have a leak in the roof.
Dimensions, specifications, chemical concoctions. Junnosuke's been planning this since they were juniors, down to the last intricate detail
This idea of a silent long-running obsession, and the cold, calculating PLANNING stages of it, the idea of NO ONE knowing and Junno being semi-normal on the surface until on day BAM! *chloroforms*
He wants Kazuya to go out with a bang.
I’ve probably read this fic a count of 20+ times by now, but on my second read, this line made me squeal with delighted terror.
Junnosuke's finger follows Kazuya's hair on the other side of the glass, wet and sudsy as the washing machine spins around and rocks off-balance. In his other hand is a video camera, because he wants to show this to Kazuya later
What the actual FUCK, Taguchi! XDDDD! Also, your writing, anon, in THIS line is so concise and visual, I felt a jolt of shock and went UWAAAA because I could see this image so vividly and the pure horror of it and then
"Silly boy," he says. "You shouldn't have swallowed."
*screams from the sheer thrill of it*
AUGH, this dialogue!! >.<
Building it is harder than he thought it would be, but then again, he's no rocket scientist.
HELLO, more foreboding! And on the second read, I thought “ICWUTUDIDTHAR!”
Can I just applaud and then bow down at the way you played out this next scene. The whole damn thing!
Recognition strikes and Junnosuke's flying off his seat, rushing to save Kazuya from whatever has possessed him to douse himself with gasoline.
The perfect state of despair Kame’s been driven to, the innocent distance that Junno keeps when he spots Kame making a mess of himself…
The snowy lump turns to look at him with sad, pleading eyes, and Junnosuke pouts. BECAUSE WHAT AN ICONVENIENCE! DDDDX Ignore me; I don’t know whom I’m screaming at. I keep experiencing a mix of despair and delight; such strange, so very wrong feelings. *wibbles*
Back to the washing machine, then. OH SWEET BABY JESUS. DDDX
He's trembling with need, tense from the pressure, and Junnosuke loves him so good that Kazuya can't hold back his tears of joy.
Just quoting this because uwa! >.< OMG asdfsskjfnjsknjgjksnkn *cue mixed feelings*
Finally, Junnosuke can get a taste of what everyone else has had
AWWWWW, KAME, NOOOOOO!! DDDDX *breaks things*
And then in the next scene, it all hits; it all makes sense and you know what’s doing and you’re thinking HOLY HELL, MAN! And you wonder about Kame “is he dead? Oh holy balls, is HE DEAD??!”
He falls to the ground, so overcome with frustration and disappointment that he's sobbing, everything he's ever wanted taken away from him just like that.
And this reader has to pause because her unbelievable sympathy with obsessive Guchi has been piqued and it’s horrifying, the idea that even after all that, it doesn’t even work and
Junnosuke's still shrieking in despair when he's taken away.
THEN HE’S TAKEN AWAY!!!! And Kame isn’t moving!!
He can't maneuver very well without being able to use his arms
This whole finale. My HEART and what was left of my soul. You’ve defeated me, anon. I don’t even. I also find I can’t bring myself to watch the video yet until I’ve read and re-read this beautiful work of prose, until the images of it are so engraved in my mind that even when I see the music video, all I’ll be able to think is of this. THIS.
You’re an amazing writer, anon. You make me make delighted sounds of horror and despair.
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