Let's make this simple, shall we?
You: Suggest movies you think would be ripe for a Heroes or Heroes RPS adaptation. If it's obscure or foreign, a link to a summary of the movie would be ever-so-much appreciated.
You: If you'd like to claim one (only one) of the movies you're suggesting, you may. Please say whether you'll be doing fic or some kind of art. One of each will be allowed per movie. In order to claim a movie at this stage, you must suggest more than one.
We: Collect the prompts and repost them for other people to make fic, art, vids from and record your claims.
See? Simple.
Ready, set, prompt!
ETA: For convenience, here's a list of what's been currently claimed. No problem with folks suggesting the same movies. We'll compile. But we don't want problems with folks claiming the same ones. :)
Batman Begins -
technosage, fic Canon
Ocean's Eleven -
just_katarin, fic RPF
High School Musical -
deepwonderment, fic
The Matrix -
anoel, vid
Pan's Labyrinth -
futuresoon, fic
Star Wars -
47_trek_47, fic
The Blues Brothers -
eryslash, art
BladeRunner -
fantasticpants &
indyhat, fic
Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid -
thisissirius, fic
Raiders of the Lost Ark -
takethesky87, fic
Mean Girls -
imamandajulius, fic
Prompting period is now closed. If you want a movie that hasn't been prompted, you're still welcome to select it in the claiming post.