As you've no doubt noticed, we all completely slacked on this challenge. We're so very sorry.
When we put this challenge together, it was an effort to revive our own and others flagging interest in writing Heroes during the darker days of Season 2. It didn't happen for us.
Some of us will no doubt be around and writing Heroes fic as long as the show continues (me, I'll never give up on Mohinder!) but most of us aren't really considering it our main fandom anymore.
So, I'm going to make a post to wrap up the previous challenge, and express our very sincere gratitude to those who participated.
And, I'd like to ask if there's anyone who'd be interested in taking on running this comm as a comm, or running another round of the challenge. I'd be happy to stick around in an advisory capacity, or not, as you wish.
Thank you, and again, we're so sorry!
Allie, aka
technosage for everyone