Feb 28, 2005 03:29
*chuckles* i don't know where you guys got the picture for my name on the "big grid" but thats awesome, i don't even remember anyone taking that picture. kudo's to whoever that was...i'm thinking dave more than likely seeming as how he is the one with the camera...or was, when i was there i could be off on this one now.
But good job^_~
hope that all is well with the THEMER's haven't seen or talked to alot of you in a while, still in a small little peninsula called the eastern shore of virginia and probably will be for the next 6 weeks or so...that'll give me a grand total of 6 months here on this little rural peninsula that seems to have stopped in about the 50's...i'm not complaining, but when you can't get to the wal-mart because its out of your area, you have limited miles and you cover the entire thing...man...it can get rough...
although, i do love the people in rural areas i've found a WHOLE lot more than the ones in the city, they'll stop and give you rides, wave when they have no idea who you are, and just be plain nice most of the time...thats for the "been heres" as their called, the "come heres" are a whole different thing seeming as how most of them are people that have migrated down from Jersy, and are just plain rude and stupid...so...be nice people...thats the moral of the story...^_~
hope all is well in the A.Z hear that your gettin a bit of rain...we're getting flurrys of snow over here...(thats random white stuff that falls from the sky for those who don't know ^_~) not bad, i'm good with snow as long as it doesn't turn into an ice storm...which, we get a few of being surrounded by water.
take care, be good or at least be good at it!
Elder Sherman
Kaneda/The Mexican.