Sep 12, 2009 21:15
I've been at Kean for a month now and have yet to have my Monday class! WTF Kean?!
Anyway. Being an RA has been pretty good so far. Training was boring, but I made some great friends in people that were previously acquaintances. My life has been pretty busy just with trying to hang out with multiple groups of friends that don't hang out with each other. It's kind of weird, but definitely entertaining. Oh yeah and trying to get to the bar every now and then.
My room in the NURH (New Upperclassmen Residence Hall), which we pronounce 'nerr' to the chagrin of the professional staff, is really nice. I'm glad that I'm the first one living there because there's a lot of carpeting. Maybe I will take pictures and post them. Maybe. I have a Betta named Michelle (pronounced in the French way so it's a male name) who likes to roll around in his own muck and looks angry when I clean his bowl. I am bringing him back a bigger tank from my house since it's been the first time in the past month that I've been able to make it home to get all the stuff that I forgot to bring with me when I moved in. I also have a sprig of bamboo that is named Sexy Lexi.
The staff of the NURH is pretty split. There's one girl, Daria, that is incredibly annoying, strange, and just plain dumb (we have NO idea how she got the job) and the only person that will tolerate her is a guy, Kyle, that is disliked because he is lazy, annoying, and making other people pick up his slack because he's a football player and doesn't have the decency to be grateful. For example: I was covering duty for him and when he finally gets back he doesn't tell me and then proceeds to get pissy when I refuse to do his rounds for him. Whatever. I like Freddy to a certain extent. He's cool and seems to do his job so that makes him pretty excellent in my book. I love Kyla. She's crazy, hilarious, and a hard worker. We get along great and have a good time even when working. Then there's Addo who I have a HUUUGE crush on. He's awesome. The end!
Well I told my mom about him today, the fact that I really like him, and had to tell her that he's most definitely black. His name is Addofio Addo. haha! She was like.. It's interesting that you're attracted to black guys. HAHAHAHA! God I love my mother. I informed her that I really don't care what race anybody is anyway, it's just a coincidence that the only guys that she selectively remembers are black.
There's another RA in a different building that is like... 5 foot tall and desperately wants to have sex with anyone that has two legs and a vagina. He was trying incredibly hard to get into my pants the other night and I had to physically push him off of me several times. LAME. But he's cool aside from that....
That's about it for now. OH! I'm looking into buying a new laptop. Exciting... I know. And I'm freaking out about BioChem. BOOOOOOO Otherwise, that's it.