
Sep 28, 2006 03:18

Okay, there are new promo shots for Suddenly, Last Summer and I must fangirl like whoa. LIKE. WHOA. PEOPLE.

Well, y'know, as happy as he ever looks when doing press things and isn't high.

(♥s teary_eyed2 for the watermarkless ones. ♥)

I... may have spoken too soon about the not!high thing.

My 2nd reaction: I want to give his T-zone a facial.

And *happygasp* dare I say the unibrow may be creeping back?! Little eyebrow arms are reaching out to each other across the great nose divide!
Also, HE IS WORKING THAT BLUE SHIRT HELLO. Really, need I mention the hair? It's begging for me to run my fingers through it. Actually, I'm 99% sure that's exactly how he styled it - finger action and lotsa mousse. That... could sound v. dirty. Aaand now I'm flashing on a There's Something About Mary Randy remake.

Awww, looks so happy. His cheeks are healthy pink! Uh, or that could be mild razor burn aldkj.

Carla looks so sweet and adorable, though I've never been crazy about her acting. Not that this is going to be an issue for me SINCE I'M NOT SEEING THE PLAY.
/drama queen moment

But yeah, not a Carla-acting fan. She and Penelope Ann Miller were always in my "How Do They Get Work" folder. Complete opposite of Blythe. I love her muchly. And still think of her as Will Truman's mom adlkja. Hey, I wonder if Gwyenth will come over to see the play/Gale get to meet her. She'd be a good contact to have.

Blythe is already all *he's my woobie* aldkjfas.

He's so fresh and clean looking, I feel like I'm in the middle of a feminine hygiene commercial. I realize that is wrong on many levels. Lookit how his shirt is all stretched over his pec.
Also, I really hope that's just an errant pixel and Carla doesn't really have the just-gave-a-bj lipstick thang going on there.

Here's something I never thought I'd say: Gale is the shortest guy!

If Gale is ever arrested, this is what his mugshot will look like askdj.

ETA: Forgot a couple. *facepalm* AND suzvoy had the poster. :D

Mr. Gale Howard Harold Happy.

Ooooh, he's the director! Okay. And for some reason, he and Gale look the same height here. Dude. Was Gale standing in a hole earlier?

FOX, listen to me. Are you listening? THIS is how you advertise a heartthrob actor.

I AM V. EXCITED ABOUT THIS PLAY. Y'all better be packing cameras. :X

P.S. Hello, this is me finally resurfacing from downloading Vanished 1.06. More on that later. ;)

theatre: suddenly last summer, gale howard, picspam: gale

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