"A guy at an adjacent table appears to be taking our picture."

Sep 01, 2006 11:59

Gale was just updating us on LJ, Simon.

It ain't easy out there for a Randyazzo journalist, just ask stalker!Gale...

I mean, poor Gale had to lurk outside in Randy and Simon's bushes before they even left for breakfast!

Then dash across the street to avoid detection when they finally came strolling down the sidewalk. Shhh, be werry werry quiet, he's huntin' Randy!

There were those few tense moments when Gale realized he was following the wrong couple across the opposite side of town and had to steal a woman's scooter (not to mention her dog and clothes adklj) to catch back up with Randy and Simon.

And just as he got near the café, one of Randy's crazy fanboys tried to head him off. Gale remembered his "Unit" days and took the guy out. And his ass in jeans never looked more beautiful while doing it.

Then he scurried up a tree to jump over into the café. Ah-ha, halfway there!

Not wanting to be caught when he's so close to his target, Gale dons a disguise as a fangirl and hides in the coat closet until he can sprint across the café between waiters and take his seat across from Randy and Simon.

*alert* *alert* We have Randy sighting! Whip out that camera!

Awww, another successful mission for stalker!Gale.


Next week on stalker!Gale...

Episode: You Happy To See Me, Gale, Or Is That Your Camera Phone Under The Sheet?

Gale pretends to be Randy's bodypillow in an effort to snap another candid camera photo.

Disclaimer: No Randys were harassed in the making of this post. Their boyfriends, however, were a little peeved.

pastede on hedz yay, gale/randy, the simonator

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