I want to stop coughing now.
Pneumonia, that bitch, has been trying to kill me for a month. I now know what it feels like to be stabbed to death in the chest. And, um, it is not that nice, actually.
I hate being so sick you're not even interested in watching TV, much less getting online. I mean, really, there is nothing else good about being sick. But I'm a nerd, so I spent way too many hours burrowing in bed and mentally composing fics around a stabbing. As, um, writing research. No need to waste a perfectly painful experience and all. Only it would have been so much easier if my main fandom were more violent alkfjda.
Like Highlander. Now there's a fandom that's all about the sharp pointy things. QaF, wow, not so much. Stab someone in our fandom and it's dangerously flirting with badfic. No, really. Try it. Any description with "...and then they got stabbed" will make you *facepalm* because it sounds so ludicrous, no matter how serious you try to make it.
So then I made it funnier. a) A break-in. Justin and Daph, who are getting high, grab a knife for defense. Fumbling about. Brian loses a toe. b) Kitchen accident. Justin gets startled and drops a knife. Brian loses a toe.
Clearly I had it in for Brian's toe. Cos, y'know, if the man's got multiples of something, I want to cut at least one off for the angst/hilarity potential.
Anyway, catching up on internet things. Er, somewhat. I started reading my flist until I got omgtired at skip=yadayada and looked up to proudly see what day I made it back to -- AND IT WAS STILL THE SAME DAY. *headdesk* I think it's more a case of I still tire easily than anything else.
In other news, I'm still shellshocked that John Spencer died. Oh, Leo. :(