TV is better than Nyquil

May 05, 2005 18:51

The flu and allergies simultaneously are trying to kill me this week. Today is my first day sitting upright without the aid of 376526527 pillows. And I must say, the Kleenex pieces stuck up both nostrils is my new sexy look. Brian would so fuck me right now.

Obviously so behind on leaving comment and answering comments, and I promise to catch up v. v. v. soon. And now we have the good thing about being sick - excessive TV viewing!

Oh, Paul. Soon as you looked mildly happy, then made an "owwie" face, I knew your days were numbered. When Audrey wasn't around you and sucking my will to live, you were actually pretty entertaining to me. *mourns*

Tony was the one Jack trusted to run the sooper sekrit tactical mission. :"> And of course he doesn't love Woman He's Living With. His heart belongs to his Jackmuffin.

Chloe not being all torn up (but still rattled) about killing the terrorist rang true to me. I so love me some Chloe.

Probably not the reaction they were going for, but I started cracking up when that Chinese guard accidentally shot his boss. THE REACTION SHOT OF HIS FACE OMG. "Um... well, shit." Talk about a bad day at work.

TURNIPHEAD'S EXPRESSION WHEN SAWYER FIRST TALKED OMFG! He was all *squeeeee!* and his little hands were happy fists and his little mouth was all O shaped. Have decided for future, Charlie will be Turniphead's father-figure and Sawyer will be his first lover, kthx.

I pretty much always want to tackle Sawyer to the ground for some good humpage, but, wow, when he pulls out the dork glasses... *rrrowr* And my men in glasses kink lives on!

Sayid and College Friend He So Slept With had some great scenes, great chemistry. It's been so long since we've had more Sayid backstory, mmmm. Though I don't ever want to hump Sayid. I fear his hella long fingernails.

Huh. Nope. Still not caring that Boone is dead, sorry. I never really got v. attached to him. Though I never minded when he was on screen and squee-ed v. loud when he and Shannon went all incesty up on each other. But they show his body (omg face time--Ian so got a paycheck for that ep, yay!) by the grave and... nada. In contrast, I was sobbing when we thought Charlie was actually dead. *trembly lip just thinking about it*

Locke, darling, dear, sweetums. I know you are guilt-wracked and not thinking clearly, but next time you bring peace offering to a surviving sibling, please don't do it in the shirt that is soaked through with dead sibling's blood. :/ Shannon's senses suddenly filled with the smell of blood... uuh, so not good.

How did Shannon know where the hidden gun case was? :|

For that matter, why did Jack not sleep into next week? Kate says she mushed up several sleeping pills. I've taken half of one and was dead for 8 hours.

I kept waiting for Jack to go patch up Locke ... and he didn't. Medical oath, Jack, medical oath. I mean, he's fixed Sawyer so many times and it's not like he has any respect for Sawyer!

Walt steering clear of Obi-Wan Locke. Who will teach him the ways of the Force now. :(

If I was that raft, I would be afraid. V. afraid.

Seriously. Sawyer/Turniphead OTP. ♥

I think I'm still watching this show out of pure habit. I'm starting to root for the bad guys.

I did get all OMGREDWIGYAY! Sydney and red wigs is what men in glasses is to me. *happy*

I was realizing Jack only smiles in his scenes with Dr. Lenny just when we discover it's all a hallucination. :|

Too bad Sydney wasn't adopted (that we know of, so far, anyway, heh). ABC so would have let her kiss Jack THEN.

Sadly, that's all I can think of to say about this ep.

I miss Sark. Hell, I miss season one.

New Backstreet Boys song just came on the radio. Life hard. :|

tv: lost, tv: alias, tv: 24, teevee

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