QAFCAPS.COM NEEDS OUR HELP, PEEPS! (also posted here) Our
amelialourdes, Keeper of the QaF Screencaps
(qafcaps) and Protector of A+ QaF Fic
(queereyes), is hoping we can help donate a little something to help keep the sites running. WON'T YOU THINK OF THE ALL THOSE CAPS AND WONDERFUL FIC ARCHIVE THAT MAKE THE QAF FANDOM A BETTER PLACE. And let me add that I absolutely 100% trust Aimee and her assurance that every penny will be tallied and applied to only the QaF sites. You can donate and not worry that your money will never be heard from again, that the sites will vanish, or that she'll suddenly be making posts about her omg brand new laptop, heh. Please help! ♥