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lennongirl July 9 2014, 14:08:04 UTC
I'd watch anything that casts Hal Sparks as a snail, tbqh.


reeface July 9 2014, 15:14:21 UTC
His slimiest role to date, heh.


lennongirl July 9 2014, 17:26:37 UTC
Everybody needs goals in their life!


chadmom July 9 2014, 16:27:19 UTC
The movie should open with Mikey's funeral!!!!


lennongirl July 9 2014, 17:26:09 UTC
My, my, my, now that's mean!

and super intriguing :P


chadmom July 9 2014, 17:42:57 UTC
LOL, I've seen this scenario mentioned on Twitter by several others :)


lennongirl July 9 2014, 18:00:12 UTC
Oh I see, so you belong to Gale's inner circle?



chadmom July 9 2014, 18:47:15 UTC
LOL, yes I guess so. He has, after all, retweeted one of my tweets to him and I did get a mention by him for his Kickstarter. (I do admit I got a little thrill when I saw the retweet. Sad, I know. This is my life LOL!)

But, alas, the Mikey funeral mentions were from many other Twitter folks. Seems to be a common feeling among my friends.... :)

And Gale is the only cast member one who hasn't tweeted the link to the petition. Maybe he's already in Rome, getting ready to start filming Andron later this month? He's been quiet lately. But then again, that's how he always is. Nothing for weeks/days and the POW! Several tweets in a row. It's usually links to music on YouTube or a story. But its always entertaining trying to figure out his many cryptic tweets lol!


lennongirl July 9 2014, 19:14:06 UTC
LMAO, I was actually just trying to be funny with that comment, not to get any hidden info from you ;) But nice of you to share anyways, and yay for the retweet and all! I must admit, I don't follow the cast really that much, I'm only on the outer fringes of fandom these days, relying on wonderful people such as Ree or you now to get the latest dish. That said, I'm totally going to add you back now, shall you find my journal not enough QaF-ish these days, my door is always open in both directions, no worres, less stress, more fun <3


chadmom July 9 2014, 19:39:31 UTC
LOL, I know you were teasing :)

It's so funny how some people think those who Gale has graciously allowed to follow his ramblings are somehow sooper speshul. I think we just caught him at a good time LOL! There's one lady who keeps PLEADING with him to let her follow him. And I'm sure the "I love you Gale so much!" tweets from others drive him nuts!

And thanks for the friending back. You can't have enough friends!


lennongirl July 9 2014, 19:49:23 UTC
Good, good, I see we understand each other just fine :))

And thanks for the friending back.

You caught me at a good time, LMAO.


That lady sounds fun, only not. One can only imagine... oh my.


buzziecat July 9 2014, 22:51:48 UTC
That is sucking mean. :((


chadmom July 9 2014, 23:24:24 UTC
Sorry, I'm just not a Michael fan.

And I'm not the first one to suggest this. I've seen it several times on Twitter the last few days....


reeface July 10 2014, 09:24:09 UTC
Aw, dang, Michael better watch his back, heh. I wouldn't want Michael dead, but I could actually see a movie starting that way with B/J flying in for it, only to have Michael waking up in a sweat, freaking out about turning 40 and about to be a grandpa cos Hunter knocked his girlfriend up and they're planning Debbie's wedding and, hey, turns out that's what Brian and Justin were flying in from NY for -- not the funeral, but DEB'S WEDDING. :D :D :D


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