
Jul 07, 2014 08:46

Online petition for QAF reunion: http://t.co/72dQqGVr6G
- Randy Harrison (@RandyHarrison01) July 3, 2014

Was Gale giving Randy a blowjob as incentive when this got tweeted? COS WHAT. DID THAT ACTUALLY HAPPEN. After the initial shock that first time, the QAF cons now make more Randy-sense to me, cos, duh, a) paycheck b) free vacations c) time with his old friends d) opportunity to network the fans who help fund his projects.


I thought we had better odds of Gale and Randy deciding to live the rest of their lives together with 2.5 cats than this plot twist.

All those cons made Randy nostalgic, aww.

But that's not even all! Because then Scott said:

@Megan3Liu Believe it or not, Gale was the 1st cast member to approach me w/the idea of a new QAF project & is part of the exploration team.
- Scott Lowell (@scolo) July 4, 2014

So now I'm picturing Gale and Randy having talked about this, right? Gale goes to Scott, Randy retweets the petition. Gale and Randy, you guys. THIS WEEK'S QAF MOVIE REUNION OF INTERNET HOPE 2014 STARTED WITH GALE AND RANDY. How does that sentence even exist?! And to think that when Sharon was quoted about the cast wanting this movie, I sighed gloomily and figured it was just drunken talk during their poker games. And possibly just Sharon being... not delusional. But v. v. v. optimistic. It's no secret there's bad blood. AND THEN THE TWEETS STARTED HAPPENING. Everyone in the main cast has retweeted the petition (I dunno about Gale in his Fortress of Tweetitude). INCLUDING HAL "So those two people, and I’m sure the people out there in Queer as Folkland have some idea who I’m talking about, I wouldn't work with them again in any capacity." SPARKS.

THIS IS ACTUALLY BEING DISCUSSED BY THE CAST. MIND = BLOWN. Cos, srsly. Randy used to do everything but sing and dance naked down NY streets while torching Justin's wardrobe to distance himself from the character. Amazing what a decade and possibly some good ganja and even better Gale Howard blowjobs will do, heh. As for Hal, maybe fatherhood etc has mellowed him and bridges have been mended, who knows. (But wasn't there some snark from him fairly recently? Like the last year or so? Dang, I'm blanking completely on what I'm thinking about, but maybe someone remembers.)

And, yeah, I mean, I realize this is all at such a low level of anything actually happening yet -- we're essentially just flailing our fandom arms about, hoping TPTB will take notice -- but still. This could be amazing if done right. And a different kind of wanky amazing if done wrong. Win/win! Cos seeing where the Pitts gang are in their lives 10+ years later? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY.


Q: You were Justin for 5 years, you know him. Where would he be today?

R.H.: I think, he’s still in NY. But he’s not a popular artist. I mean, he made some Photoshop stuff on the computer in Pittsburgh an then printed them on Photo paper to show them to galleries. That only proves that he had no idea what was really going on in the art scene in 2005. And that makes me think that he wasn’t a very curious guy at all. Today he would work in a good position in a graphic design company or maybe he’s doing some advertising work. He’s good with the Computer, with Photoshop and illustration and maybe even with Flash Animation, so I think he would make some good money. He would have a partner who makes a lot more money than he does and who’s a lot older than he is. Justin does totally maintain a father complex. Unfortunately! (laughs) They married as soon as gay marriage was allowed in NY and they live at Chelsea or Hell’s Kitchen in Manhattan and they don’t like people who live in Brooklyn. Justin never had been in an Off-Brodway-theather. I could see him and his husband looking out for a surrogate mother for their child. Because of course they are narcissistic and rich enough to reproduce even though there’s an overpopulation in Manhattan. Justin thinks he’s one of the top 1000 gays of New York and he’s really proud about that! Things like that got very important for him lately. If he comes back to Pittsburgh for visiting, he makes his old friends feel bad about themselves - even though that’s not his intention. (laughs) And… do you know that feeling when you are completely drunk and then have sex with someone and the next morning you wake up and think O my god, how could this happen? and then you feel a little sick when you remember all the details of that night? That’s how Justin feels today when he’s back to Pittsburgh for visiting his mother and then accidentally meets Brian. His husband would make fun about their former relationship. And even though Justin would object piously a little bit - in the end he would laugh about it. --Randy, Manner Magazine interview 2012


[Gale] answered quite a few questions about QAF to fans during other times (photo sessions, autographs, brunch etc). He said that Brian was alone in the end and that it was fine for hi cause he was alone as a child and at the begining (of the series) so it came kind of like full circle and that he was used to it. --con report from the Night Ita Con 2012
Just no letting Randy or Gale anywhere near the screenplay, kthx. "EVERYONE DIES. THE END. xoxo, Gale and Randy."

And, y'know, even if nothing ever comes from this petition, my mind is still blown that we were ever in this position to hope.

Even if I'm still not sure how Hal is supposed to be in a room with Gale and Randy and not have his head explode. THIS IS A MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION I HAVE OKAY. Cos, dayum. I'd love to see those future contract negotiations.

OMG WAIT ANOTHER THOUGHT. So, CowLip. How does that work? The petition is directed at Showtime, but as the U.S. creators, would they need to be involved? :| :| :|

Sign the petition for a QAF reunion movie!

Now let's start the petition for a Todd return. "HEY TODD."

gale howard, randypants, randy is a twit(tererer), omgwtf, scott the kick-ass woobie, squee, gale/randy, qaf: fiveseasonsandamovie, tv: qaf

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