"do not eat the pancakes!"

Dec 04, 2012 02:01

01. STOP MAKING ME DEFAULT BACK TO THE OLD UPDATE POSTING STYLE, LJ YOU WHORE, I DO NOT WANT TO USE YOUR NEW VERSION. Geez. I really do dread when that "improvement" goes live and we don't have a choice anymore. Ditto with the new flist format and, y'know, everything else they're planning. The new flist page, ugh. So fugly and annoying. Small favors that the infinite scroll can be turned off, cos, wow, that's a browser killer, but I'm still shaking my head. At the very least, they better leave my filters alone. That would be a deal breaker. Either way, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be unlocking my crossposts to DW soon.

02. So, Mark Wahlberg's signed on to star in the Transformers 4 movie. My gut reaction is "WUT WHY NO." It's like when Anne Hathaway was cast as Catwoman. Love her, but that casting did absolutely nothing zip nada for me. Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that Transformers 4 has a story that centers on Wahlberg's character and his daughter. In addition, the daughter’s boyfriend, a race car driver, is the third lead in the film. Well, of course he is. Bleh. It sounds pretty awful, but I think I'm still grumpy about the Mark thing. You watch, I'll end up loving it, heh. Transformers movies are my weakness. So, yeah, keeping an open mind and all. Sorta. Mark Wahlberg, really, Michael Bay? FINE. Hmph.

03. And while we're talking upcoming movies... The plot for the new Star Trek movie finally got leaked and o h m y g o d I am barely holding on to my willpower, y'all. I want to click that link SO BAD my hand is shaking. But no! I'm determined to be spoiler-free, dammit. Five more months. I CAN DO EET.

04. THERE'S GONNA BE NEW STAR WARS MOVIES HOMG. I did a startled blink when I heard about the Lucasfilm/Disney deal, ngl, cos, dude, that was startling. Now my SW fangirl self is about to pee herself, especially more I read about it. It's gonna be post-Return of the Jedi and Harrison, Mark and Carrie are on board if they're asked and just eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Stay away, Mark Wahlberg. :P

05. Ellen trying to read 50 Shades of Grey is my new addiction, bwa! I can't get enough of her "OH GOD NO!" face aldfkja.

06. Leo Messi is a papa! Meet Thiago Messi:


lj, movies: star trek, soccer, movies, movies: star wars, grrr, youtube, messi is awesomessi, messibb, movies: transformers

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