Last Resort, 1.02
You continue to be awesome, show! The hour goes by so fast, omg.
That scene when Sam goes to Marcus after the info-bomb about his son having been killed. *sob* I'm already nomming Andre for all the awards.
Did think the scenes with the government vs Sam's wife were the weakest, tho.
Also, Scott Speedman is hot like the sun.
Grey's Anatomy, 9.02
So not only did they kill off my OTP, they added that Lexie was TORN APART AND EATEN BY ANIMALS and Mark basically DIED FROM A BROKEN HEART. And wasn't conscious long enough to see his daughter one last time before slipping into the coma.
Oh, and they kicked Alex around for good measure.
Fuck you too, show.
Best part: Christina Fuckin' Yang. My god her storyline was amazing. She stayed awake for four days watching over her family, oh god.