Kate is revealed to be the daughter of Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, who was the head of UNIT and a long-time friend/ally/companion of the Doctor. He was mostly on during the third Doctor's run, but was basically a companion for twenty years, for Doctors 2 - 6. He's wonderful.
Not a problem. I was all "Oh! OH! I got that reference!" XD
Did I ever rec Rich Morris' "10 Doctors" webcomic at you? He's an artist who did a bunch of fancomics, one of which combines all ten (at the time) Doctors, almost all of their original companions, and most of the villains into this one huge fancomic. It's long, but well worth the read, and it actually works really well as an intro to the original eight from Old!Who.
The Brigadier on wikipedia
Did I ever rec Rich Morris' "10 Doctors" webcomic at you? He's an artist who did a bunch of fancomics, one of which combines all ten (at the time) Doctors, almost all of their original companions, and most of the villains into this one huge fancomic. It's long, but well worth the read, and it actually works really well as an intro to the original eight from Old!Who.
On the web: http://comics.shipsinker.com/archive.php?arc=10doctors
Downloads (pdf or cbr): http://comics.shipsinker.com/downloads.php
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