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morebliss June 29 2012, 07:13:27 UTC
I did not know about (b)!

Spain better beat Italy on Sunday, or I fear Rafa will never recover.



reeface June 29 2012, 07:28:23 UTC
(b) snuck up and bit my ass during the Euros. They ran the news of it at the bottom of the screen as Germany was losing, so, like, way to double-whammy to the gut, ESPN! :\

SPAIN FTW ALL THE WAY. I wonder if Rafa will attend. He has some unexpected downtown now. :P

VAMOS FEDERER! (said Rafa.)


morebliss June 29 2012, 07:41:22 UTC
And obv, if it can't be Federer ('cause he's so old *eye-roll*), then anyone but Djerk.

I bet you anything Roger sent Rafa some lindt truffles. &fiercest rivals;

ETA some good news. Did you know Rafa has been chosen as flag-bearer for the Spanish Olympic Team? ♥

Also I love your icon. And your new user name. :D


reeface June 29 2012, 08:16:56 UTC
Word. So much word.

Nothing says love like sending someone your chocolate-y balls!

OH THAT'S EPIC WONDERFUL! I hadn't heard, so, yay, good news for today after all. :D

:"> Aw, thanks, bb. Super Fed to the rescue!


morebliss June 29 2012, 08:34:45 UTC
Rafa said it's the proudest he's ever been (but with the most humble, of course). I still remember him being all gleefull and adorable during the Beijing parade (as just a team member, with his very fine hat). I know they won't have Fed as flag bearer again for the Swiss team, but obv Roger will give advice on how to, um, work with the pole. As they do. :D


reeface June 29 2012, 09:14:27 UTC
I didn't get into tennis until after the olympics, omg, I missed his v. fine hat, must find pics.

There is so a joke about "pole position" in there aldkfjas.


morebliss June 29 2012, 09:53:19 UTC
Brian Kinney is mocking you right now.

I looked back, and this was my Beijing post. it's all about Roger even though he only got the gold in doubles. And Rafa won Gold in the singles! I promise a retrospective picspam about Olympic tennis! (Roger is really good at handling large poles).


reeface June 29 2012, 23:23:16 UTC
He's just jealous of my superior wit.

I swear, every one of your picspam posts is epic and hilarious. I HAVE SUCH GLEEJOYHAPPY FACE RIGHT NOW THANK YOU. (Wow, he really is bendy.) And a future retro one? *explodes*


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