I just saw the face of cute and his name is Gus

Mar 04, 2005 23:21

Matinee movie ticket: $6.00
Gus's total word count: 3
Seeing Vin kick Dr. Dave's ass: priceless

Disclaimer: I realize Gus is played by twins and their names are Keegan and Logan, but typing "Gus" is soooo much easier and everyone knows who I'm talking about, and really, we've covered this: am lazy. So Gus it is!

Gus Parts:

So, yeah, you read that right. Gus has a total of THREE words. But he says them with feeling AND on cue, and for a three year old (which is what I'm guessing him at when this was filmed; he'll probably be four when season 5 comes out), that's damned impressive, dude. Don't let anyone tell ya different. There's a good reason his dialogue scenes are with only one other actor. Little guys get distracted v. easily.

You see him pretty soon into the movie; he's the first of the five kids you meet (his name's Peter, his codename is Red 4). Faith Ford ("mom") is holding him when she answers the door for Vin's character. In his cartoon Underoo's. (I couldn't see the pattern and felt a little nerdy asking my mom and now feel creepy typing that I even looked, but alkdfjaldskj omg am not pervert--I'm a nanny and we automatically notice these things!)

Aaanyway, that's when I realized how BIG Gus has gotten! His legs go down pretty far below Faith's waist and just, wow. First thought? "Wow, he's got Brian's height, yay!" Yes, I am a dork. I'd tell you this was my only lost grip on reality during the movie, but I would be lying. *cough*

His next "big" scene has him standing in a fish tank (water above his knees) in a Superman cape and pjs, throwing goldfish crackers by the handful and having a LOT of fun doing it. That scene needs an icon alkdjfalskjd, so damned ADORABLE. And enter my second drive into town Nerdville as I thought, "Heh, Uncle Mikey so gave him that outfit." Then thinking that the goldfish would have been the gay rainbow ones if he'd been at "home", that is Mel and Lindsay's.

And you might SEE him early on, but he doesn't speak until -- brace yourselves -- an hour into the movie. Vin doesn't read him a story as I'd assumed from that tv clip, but actually has to sing/dance him to sleep. Gus is in bed, Vin realizes he has to sing, he gets a few lines out -- and then they cut to the next day. Thinking they'd cut Gus's ONLY SPEAKING SCENE, I did my impression of post-prom!Brian, "No no no no no!"

BUT! couple scenes later, same set-up and this time Vin sing/dances again -- and Gus gives his "Again!" line. I melt. Vin laughs, tells him it's time for him to go to sleep, covers him, and Gus says: "Goodnight, daddy."



It was so adorable, I cannot even express it, but if I could, there would be an unruly amount of exclamation points and all caps use.

Then he quick-turns onto his side and closes his eyes. GUUUUUUUUH. Ovaries all over the theatre released eggs.

Also, while Vin is singing, Gus nearly sticks his finger up his nose a couple times. It's the little things I love. ;D

Oh, wait! He does speak again, but you can't really hear him and it's not part of his actual dialogue. Had I not been stalking his every move watching so closely, I wouldn't have even noticed it. His older brother picks him up and Gus starts chatting softly to him. Brother softly answers, staying in character, but I have no idea what Gus had said.


He rides a see-saw (five other kids are behind him) and Vin on the other side.

Another scene toward the end has him in a playpen, watching the bad guys tie up his brothers and sisters. He's so enthralled, his juicebox straw is up his nose. *dead*

He's not in every scene, but fairly close, either being held by a sibling or standing in the group, on Vin's back in a carrier or in his car seat. He may not speak often -- and seriously, he is still a little guy, I wasn't expecting Shakespeare speeches -- but he's very visible throughout and waaay cute.

Best part? He spends 98% of the movie looking at Vin with a "Who the hell ARE you?" look. *dead*

ETA: OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT THIS. At one point, they've all gone to a Chuck E. Cheese knock-off place -- chaos central -- and on the drive home, Vin realizes he left Gus there. Turns the van around, runs back in and there is Gus, sitting in the ball pen (y'know, with all the multi-colored balls you jump around in). He picks him up -- and you see lotsa Gus butt. :D Apparently his diaper fell off in the balls and Vin has to dive in and find it (you see that snippet in the tv previews, but I'd assumed that was the BABY'S). I had to roll my eyes: Gus is THREE, he would be potty trained already, but it was for the laugh. ;) (Tho, yes, some kids do take longer to be trained.) Anyway, Gus is being held up at arm's length by a worker and his expression is priceless omg.

Non-Gus Parts:

Just go in knowing it's Disney and made for kids and you should be okay. Not an Oscar winner (Oh, Leo. I'm still bitter.), but cute and I laughed, and honestly, I was just there for Gus and the Vin pretty anyway.

Hey, I didn't know Dr. Dave was in this! I saw "Chris Potter" in the opening credits and was all lkjfldskjlaskjl. He plays a good guy gone traitor. Naval officer, and I have never thought he was hot in any way, but let me just say: he fills out a uniform QUITE nicely. Ahem. Later, he gets his ass kicked by Vin. WORTH THE TICKET PRICE RIGHT THERE.

Know who else is in this? Lauren Graham, Lorelai of Gilmore Girls! She's the school principal and Vin's love interest. Yeah. I have never appreciated Luke more in my life. Vin and Lauren have no chemistry whatsoever omg. Their kiss at the end was awwk-waaard.

Vin has a naked-except-for-this-towel-wrapped-around-my-waist scene. Nice chest omg. But I think I'm still traumatized from seeing him with hair in that Oscar's clip.



ETA: Added a major Gus scene I'd forgotten. D'oh.

movies: the pacifier, vin diesel, gus peterson marcus taylor kinney

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