all teevee, all the time!

Apr 20, 2011 04:42

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Coincidence? DISCUSS.

Hawaii Five-0, 1.21

Wow. That was painful, Diddy. I vote you off the island. :|

Yup, I predictably had my fingers crossed it was Danno who'd come outta Steve's kitchen in nothing but an apron and socks. ;D Still, was rather tickled it was Kamekona holding up his end of their bet, lol. I love that big guy so much. Also, Steve watching his girlish figure and spurning the spam aldfkja. Was cute, but after all these years, how did Kamekona not know Steve didn't eat the stuff? I'm envisioning his dad making the family eat A LOT after his mom died and now he's all NONEVERAGAIN. Um. That thought got dark. My bad.


Broken arm and Steve STILL goes for his morning swim. Bad-ass and hot and yet my brain is screaming OWWWW cos, dude, wouldn't that hurt?! D: Though high-five for the continuity with the face-scrape and cast to begin with. Speaking of, DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG I'VE BEEN TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT WAS WRITTEN ON THAT CAST. Okay, yeah, just a week. But still. FEEL MY PAIN OKAY. But lookit now!

Kamekona scribbled a SHAVED ICE AD ALDKFJAS. Danny must've been beside himself when he saw that, lol.

Agent Marsh. Her, I like. :D

Steve talking to Kevin made me ovulate. True story. And not even an hour previous, Steve had to deal with the whole my-own-mom-was-murdered thing. Aw, Steve. :( BUT AGAIN WITH THE ARM OWWWWS COS THEN HE CARRIED KEVIN OUT WITH HIS BROKEN ARM. D:

And I know they're not having Danny talk to every kid on the show just cos he's a dad, but I wouldn't mind if he got to again sometime. Been awhile! Even Kono got in on the kid action. Which made my heart clench. The kind of cop who catches the men who hurt moms. :( (Was the kid supposed to be younger originally? Cos everyone was treating him way young.)

Kono climbing the tree for the camera adlfkjas and Danno all "OMG BE CAREFUL, STEVE 2.0. D:" ♥

God and the governor, lol. Lotsa random God in this ep, actually.

Steve's WTFface when that muscle put the money in his pocket afldkjkj.

DANNY: Please don't do that.
STEVE: What?
DANNY: Please don't put both hands on the wheel. Every time you do that, something terrible happens and I have to pray. Please.
STEVE: Just hang on to something.
DANNY: Wait, wait. *seatbelt* Okay.

DANNY: We had a problem with your gate.

RICHIE THE GENIUS: Don't try to tell me who my father is. He's my father.
DANNO: That's -- that's deep.

REE THROUGH ALL THAT: *dies and dies and pees a little*

STEVE: You were married, you have a daughter. What would you do?
DANNY: Well, I would like to just kill everybody, but I would never do that, okay. I would not risk going to prison. I could not do that to Grace. You - forget it. I don’t even wanna know what you would do.
STEVE: I would be by the book.
DANNY: The- the book?
STEVE: I would be by the book.
DANNY: Which book would that be, I ask? The Patriot Act for Dummies? How to Nuke Your Enemies? War and Peace, minus the Peace part?
STEVE: *ha-ha voice* That’s v. funny.

BOTH: *look at police car computer*
STEVE: You think?
DANNY: Yes, I think. I definitely think. *LICKS LIPS LIKE A PORNSTAR*

Steve, please do not hesitate to kill crazy gun-toting murderers when they point their guns at you instead of waiting for visiting-cops to get their revenge kthx. P.S. Also, take your partner with you.

Only three more eps left. Woe.

The Killing, 1.04

Oh, man, a lot happened in an hour!

Okay, so, it wasn't Rosie in the Cage that night but actually Sterling. Oohh, twist. I'm rolling with it, but all the blood explained away by a chronic bloody nose outta the blue was a little :| inducing. But this is me, rolling with it. Also, Sterling breaks my heart so much. "Haven't you ever wanted to be seen? :(" Oh, bb. And then Mitch hugging her later and while you know the mom was basically using her as a surrogate for Rosie and Sterling most likely knew that, you could tell both were still so desperately needing the contact and omg. BRB HEART BREAKING.

Emo Kid calling Holder out on being an addict too, cos like knows like, and ohhhh.

The parents seeing all the police photos. That scene still hurts. Michelle Forbes is doing such a great job. Her confronting the priest with her grief was all the right kinds of pain and anger. I'm loving her lots and lots.

Speaking of parents, ooooh, looks like dad is old mafia who quit the family business when Mitch got pregnant. Intriguing! Add another layer to the mystery that could be connected to Rosie's death. The suprise house he's gonna hafta sell. :(( (I'm cold-hearted cos I woulda rather buried her cheaper and had the house to grow up in afldkas.)

Rick is back in town for Linden! I'm so tickled. I was bummed most of his scene have only been over the phone, but now he's baaaaack. Plus I'm relieved he really does care for Linden's son. I was worried that as soon as we saw them alone, some ugly truth would come out and the writers would go for the irony that, wow, Linden's so focused on another child's fate that she doesn't notice her own son is in peril, etc. But they didn't, yay! They stuffed their faces with cake and laughed and awwww.

The funeral home guy was so manipulative. I needed a shower after his scene. DNW.

Holder following the bus to the end was good suspense, waiting for him to get wherever he was gonna end up.

I guessed it was the teacher soon as he started buddying up to Mitch and sharing Rosie's fave book and going on about how Rosie was. Creeptoid. But, hmmn, I guess it's never really clear just how close they were? I dunno if it's just he was helping her with something, or if they were actually hooking up.


I ♥ you, kick-ass show.

Parks & Rec, 3.09

AWWWW APRIL AND ANDY GOT MARRIED. :D And Leslie trying to stop it might've been the sweetest thing. I love how she was all "I love them but omg too soon! :\" and then ended up all starry-eyed as they said their crazy-in-the-great-way vows and the whole night giving her the courage to tell Ben to stay. *heart bursts*

Ron totally got me when he pulled his tooth out. IT SEEMED LIKE SUCH A RON THING TO DO OKAY.

ANNE: *crashes and burns talking to single guy*
DONNA: Are you Nell? From the movie Nell? :|
REE: *dies*

LESLIE: What’d you bring?
CHRIS: I was in charge of the cake. To be fair, it’s not a cake so much as it is a vegetable loaf. You got your mushrooms, your alfalfa sprouts, your spinach, and I had it sweetened with fruit reduction.
RON: But did they ask you to bring a vegetable loaf or a cake?
CHRIS: No, a cake, but this is so much healthier.
RON: So not only does this thing exist, but now you have deprived everyone of cake.
LESLIE: Take a walk, Ron.
RON: Yep.

Preach it, Ron! I feel your pain. CAKE IS SACRED.

And then Chris being all upbeat around Oren the Emo Kid all night, oh god. I love this show so much!

Brothers & Sisters, 5.19

MICHELLE HAD THE BB OMFG. I could tell that's where they were headed soon as she popped up and was all hyper-skittery to get away, but it still made me all !!!!!. Also, that bb was CUTE. I need more Kevin/Scotty ASAP.

Brody leaving. Whatev. Men. I swear. :|

I miss Kitty. :\

The Office, 7.20

Will Farrell just depressed me. :\

tv: brothers and sisters, tv: hawaii five-o, gale howard, tv: the killing, youtube, tv: parks and rec, teevee, tv: the office, tv: hellcats

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