brit-brit's new cd is awesomeballs, you guys. I love her so much. :(((( OMG DO NOT JUDGE ME.

Mar 23, 2011 21:27

01. I started a TSN rec list last night, because, srsly, good god, this fandom. No, really, this fandom. So fucking good. But then I got guilt, cos, ugh, I need to finish that H50 rec list I started months ago first aldfjas. Oh, fandoms. I love when you are fabulous. Even if that means I need 72 hours in a day to keep up.

02. Andrew could maybe possibly end up working with CPine. CUE MY BRAIN EXPLODING FROM THE COMBINED HOTNESS. (Andrew looks half-asleep in the pic they used aldfkja. I swear, that boy is too pretty to be this unphotogenic.) Hmn, and if that doesn't work out, Andrew and JT being BFF wouldn't hurt my feelings. And think how giddy Timbalone will be to finally have all of Andrew's attention in interviews, heh. OH AND AND AND: The original story - focusing on teen biker gang member Kaneda and his friend Tetsuo - was set in post-nuclear war Tokyo in 2019 while the new movie is expected to take place in New York. That's right, Andrew could be filming in New Fucking York, aka Jesseland! ♥

02a. Why do my OTPs always live on opposite coasts? THEIR LOVES ARE SO COASTALLY CHALLENGED. :'(

03. Time to vote for the MTV Movie Awards! Well, the noms portion, anyway. Although I really don't know how I'm supposed to choose between JGL and THard for Most Bad-Ass. SOPHIE'S CHOICE GEEZ.

BEST MOVIE <--- TSN, wooot!
BEST LINE FROM A MOVIE <--- Jess ("...woulda invented FB.") / Andrew&JT ("...billion dollars.") / Armie ("...two of me.") <--- another hard one, ugh.

And then I voted all over the damn place for Emma Stone. That girl, I swear. She owneth me. ♥

04. OMG GUESS WHAT. I have Tennis Channel now! Not sure when that happened, but I was flipping around last week and boom, there it was. So I got to watch Fedal at Indian Wells, omg. I'd never seen them do a doubles match! I was practically bouncing on the couch the whole time like, well, a tennis ball. Then they both lost at the end of the whole tourny, sadface. BUT HEY I HAVE TENNIS CHANNEL NOW.

05. LJ spoketh in between making inane Frank and Meme updates: We're still working on the issue that's causing some notifications to get caught in spam filters. We've made considerable progress, but AOL still has a significant number of backed-up notifications. They're stored and will be delivered as soon as we can resolve the underlying issue. -- here

Guess who my ISP is. :| So, yeah. Not ignoring you, flist. ♥

06. On a funner note, FEDERBBS! :D :D :D

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movies: the social network, lj, tv: hawaii five-o, timbalone, i wanna live in jesseland, chris so fine pine, britney rulez y'all, fandom yay, music, youtube, tennis, i'll be the pooky to your garfield, jesse/andrew, emma stone, federbbs

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