Stop! Oscar time! *dances like Hammer*

Mar 02, 2011 02:27

Fell asleep before I could post this last night. Ooops.

Sooo. A few fun moments aside, that was kinda a slo-mo trainwreck, y/y?

Of course, I'm still bummed that the night didn't end for Jesse and Andrew like this. IT DID IN MY HEAD OKAY.


OPENER: ALEC BALDWIN GETTING INCEPTIONED ALDKSJLAKJ. WIN WIN WIN. (Sidenote: the DeLorean bit was... random.) Though I really wanted Alec to stay and host again, but then he left. Noooooooooo. :( And left us with Anne and James. :| And okay, Anne did pretty okay, considering. But she really needed a better sidekick. Say... Alec Baldwin! :D Hell, I wanted RDJ and Jude Law to take over at one point. That woulda kicked ass.

And lemme just say it again, cos they deserve it -- RDJ and Jude Law! ♥ ♥ ♥ Their comic timing killed me. Also, they're pretty.

Russell Brand "translating" for Helen Mirren afdlkaj. They had some wicked chemistry. Her face right there, lol.

FLORENCE SINGING. OMG. JUST LOOKIT HER. I wanted her and the song to win so bad. But no. Randy Newman again. I get that he's talented, but c'mon. Every time, the nommed Toy Story song sounds exactly. the. same. :| Upside: His winning speech was fab. Srsly, why only 4 songs? Hmph. There were several categories I was like, That's it? Only 3 noms? Only 4?

During a commercial, awwww.

Know what shocked me? Finding out Zach sang! Tangled wasn't on my radar this year, so I was all *blink* when he came on stage. Though I think I woulda been anyway, considering how his whole face looks like a tanning booth attacked him.

• That stage set. I was all "Oooooooo, it's like 3D!" I'm easily won over by shiny technology alkdfja. Plus I was just relieved we weren't making the winners get their awards in the audience again. :|

• Having the theme being about the history of the Oscars. I reallyreally enjoyed the little film history lessons we got and again, that set! (On the flip side, it just made it more apparent how young and hip they were trying for this year and how fantastically it was failing. Cos, dude, all it did was make me grumpy that we don't have Billy Crystal or Bob Hope anymore. :| )


• All of Kirk Douglas's time-stalling, "You know..."

• Great acceptance speeches: Aaron Sorkin! Natalie Portman! Colin Firth! That guy who wrote King's Speech! That guy who should've gotten a hair cut! And fucking Melissa Leo!


• "That's gross," Cate Blanchett.

• "Congratulations, nerds!" Hee.

• Sandra Bullock giving out Best Actor. So relaxed and funny. ♥ She should host! With Alec! I reallyreally do miss Alec. :(

• Anne's voice. I always forget the girl can sing. :D


• James Franco. No words. >.<

It startled a laugh outta me, but it was still so random. I mean, why Marilyn Monroe? O.o

• Auto-tune, eh. TSN Sidenote: Woulda been more fun to have the lawyers and the chicken auto-tuned, not the ONE ACTUAL SINGER IN THE CAST. Yawn. :| :| :|

• Timbalone. Which was a waste, cos he's hilarious on SNL and such. Sigh.

• The kids singing at the end. WHY. WHY. WHY. I know this year was supposed to draw in younger viewers, but c'mon. It was like being at a school play. THIS IS THE OSCARS. Ugh.

• And most everything else. :P

And now the fashion! Woot!


I CANNOT EXPRESS MY LOVE FOR THIS DRESS. BEST DRESSED ALL THE WAY. I gasped. You guys, I GASPED. Love at first sight! The structure and the beading and the yellow highlighting her awesome hair and her subtle make-up and just everything. Caaaaate. I love her so much. :(((

My second favorite, and really, had Cate not been there, Reese woulda stolen the show for me. Her hair! ♥ This is kinda a crappy picture, but finding one of her straight-on so you could see how perfectly it fit her figure was beyond my Google-fu -- they're all at an angle, grrr. But yeah. She owned that red carpet when she walked in this. OMG WAIT. I just looked again and found one! Behold the awesomeness!

Girl is workin' eet. :D :D :D :D Those hips, humina. The fit and color and YEAH TAKE THAT JESSE.

Another one I gasped at. Camila was GORGEOUS. (Yeah, yeah, she's a model, she looks good in most things. But, dude. So not true. Just look at Heidi Klume 90% of the time. >.< ) And Matthew was rockin' that suit, too. They looked like they belonged at the Oscars.

KICK. ASS. That neckline, omg. Was popular on quite a few dresses, but Gwyn's dress was by far my most favorite example. Oh, god, look at how her gorgeous earrings match the waist brooch. And her hair. HER HAIR. ♥

How is she so beautiful? *crushes* (Her make-up looks a little heavy here, but it worked much better on-camera.)

Helen can do no wrong. Y'know, this is how I imagine Cate dressing in thirty years. Fashion savvy and risky and just with this insanely good awareness of what fits her body.

*happy sigh* Oh, Michelle. I love this. I love it so much. Her hair and make-up, toooooo. Guh. Perfect.

V. v. v. purdy. I am still a little :( that there was no jewelry, not even tiny little earrings.

Hailee = fairy princess, awww.

Random wife pic, but omg, I love this dress SO MUCH. IDEK.

The "I Don't Care What The Fashionistas Say, I Loved These Dresses" Category

LOOK AT MS THANG. \:D/ The shape/color knocked me for a love loop. And her hair is love. That said, yes, I do wish to free her boobies from their fabric torture prison. >.<

This just worked for me. Goddess. ♥ It was hypnotizing to watch her walk the red carpet.

I really loved this dress on her, and let's face it, she's had some scary ones in the past. I think the only prob I had this time was her lipstick. Burnt orange on a red carpet. >.<

I can't even explain it, but I really loved this on her. So soft and pretty. Especially when it was just the lead in for her hottie performance dress.

The Helena Is Her Own Category Category

You go, girl. ♥ And this was pretty tame for her, lol.


Dear Nicole,
We can't see. And it's heavy. And we feel fat.
No love,
Your hips

I WAS SO CONFLICTED WITH THIS ONE OMG. Okay, see. I really like this dress on her. I do! It fit her body like a glove (I do wish it were a different color), but the wow factor just... wasn't. And it wasn't the necklace, which I oddly liked. I KNOW. I was shocked too. You know what's really bugging me? Her hair and make-up. It's so blah and just drags down the dress and makes the whole thing fall flat. :(


Wow. That. Is a lot of dress. Oh, Busy. No. :(

I know folks loved this. I thought she looked like a dart. :|

D: D: D:

Post-baby body is kickin' ass. And... that's all I got.

Bleh from head to toe. *nose wrinkle*


Anne had lots of costume changes. \:D/

I was tickled that she walked the red carpet before the show. Love this. She looked like she was gliding down the carpet. God, look at her hair. ♥

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Loved this so much. Her shoes match the floor, I just realized, lol.

Jewelry = :D
Dress = :|

LOVE LOVE LOVE. My favorite of hers, I think. Especially when she did her little shimmy-shake in it. :D

I did not like this one at all. The beading is incredible, but the color is so drab, it makes it look like it's melting off her. :\

The Sharpee marker dress as I dubbed it. Ick.

Eh. I wasn't lovin' it. It actually looks better here in the picture, lol.


AKA, Where 4 out of the 7 pics are the TSN guys. Shut up. :P There were several guys up above as arm candy and I didn't want to repeat, so this section is kinda wee.

NEW TUX. ♥ You know he'd be smiling if Andrew were whispering in his ear.

Andrew's inability to take a happy awards photo AMUSES ME TO DEATH. He's so Randy. Dude. He's wearing a ring. I just noticed that.

Forever alone. Again. lol. Lookin' good tho! ♥

No one can ever accuse Armie of not filling out a tux super well. He's the big brother I always wanted. Lookit them, damn. ♥

I love that RDJ never has a boring tux. There's always a little something. Best dressed! ♥

Guh. ♥

I'm so glad he changed to present on stage. >.<

I can't believe awards season is over. :'(

tv: awards, picspam: awards, jesse/andrew, oscars, celebs

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