"heads up, my loyal slaves."

Oct 16, 2010 05:41

Professor Julian Hotpants
Hellcats 1.06
Mucho thanks to chloris01 for the caps!

Gale in a crisp white shirt straining against pecs + top buttons undone + sunlight in the library + talking lawyery things = HAWT. That little head tilt/sideways glance thing is killing me. And, okay, I get fans boycotting the ep because he didn't have a lot of screen time. I don't get fans boycotting his scene just because he didn't have a lot of screen time. IT WAS GALE ON MY TEEVEE. You can bet I'm gonna be there with popcorn for every.single.second. \:D/

YouTube clip o' Galeface: HERE

Hellcats, 1.06

M: I chose you over lawyering.

I wish this school actually existed so I could walk up to Marti and punch her in the face. WHAT ARE YOU DOING CHOOSING A FOOTBALL GAME OVER LAW, GIRL. Yeah, yeah, friendship, blah blah. There are other ways to thank Savannah for being awesome. I'm hoping we're just gearing up for later eps where she's confronted with seriously having to choose law over cheering. Got my fingers crossed for a huge fight with Julian and we get yelling!Gale and disappointed!Gale and everyotheremotion!Gale.

And really, I don't get how playing a game of football proves anything about the cheerleaders' athleticism. The volleyball team wins football championships! All that would prove is that the cheerleaders aren't as experienced playing football. And Marti coming in at the last minute and leading them to the win? Just proves Marti can play football, not that the whole team is more athletic than the volleyball team. Bleh, so frustrating.

Also, none of this woulda happened had Vanessa not been such an awful coach. Volleyball Bitch spitefully throws a ball and knocks down her previously-injured flyer and she... does nothing. She doesn't speak up until after Alice stalks over and confronts the girl and even then it's a weak, "How would you like if I filed a complaint?" WHY WAS SHE ASKING AT ALL JUST GO REPORT THE BITCH. And later she's all dancing around the gym like she has no concerns. How about your girls going out to play a game that could srsly injure one or more of them right before regionals? GRRRRR.

Alice: *smacks Savannah's butt*
S: Don't ever do that again.
Ree: lololol

Alice is growing on me. I had a feeling it'd happen sooner or later. :P

Lewis. ♥ That boy, I swear, I love him so. His bemused face when the girls were trying out for quarterback alfdjaslj. "Wow." AND THEN HIS LITTLE CHUCKLE. And he got his own story arc this ep! That was pretty much the only good thing about this one. :\ Oh no wait, cos LEWTI KISSED. LEWTI KISSED. \:D/ OMG colleen2328 OUR LEWTI T-SHIRTS TOTALLY HELPED.

Oh no, their bid tape didn't make the cut. :( $20 bucks says the bikini car wash fundraising montages start soon.

I swear, I do like this show, heh.

Glee, 2.04

thanks ithilien22 for the gif!


Just when I was hoping for MORE Puck, I got NO Puck. Why do you hate me, teevee? :((

Sam continues to be awesome. He's so laid back and didn't worry about singing with Kurt and keeps his promises. And knows Na'vi. Guh, I love this boy. And, really, those long showers with his glistening body ain't hurtin' my feelings at all. Does crack me up how Finn only seems to talk to him when he's naked tho, lol. Not sure how I feel about Sam and Quinn. I really want him with Kurt, but eh. I might like the S/Q if they go that way. Whatever happens, the writers better not fuck his character up like they're currently doing with Arti.

Srsly. Are they TRYING to make me hate Arti? Cos it's working. Him yelling at my Brittany like it was her fault he thought with his dick and didn't wait, I dunno, more than two hours for true love that night? Giant douche.

Community, 2.04


Modern Family, 2.04

Awwwww, Cam and Mitchell had their kiss and it was the most casual thing evah. I hadn't even realized they don't kiss - they seem so natural and comfy to me as a couple, it didn't register for me that they weren't locking lips every so often until the press about that Facebook campaign. Though, really, I wish Cam had let Mitchell shave the beard.

Cam turning around to find Mitchell holding the shaving cream alkdjfaslj. "What are you saying?" *storms out* Between that and Cam tipping those apples over, omg, they have the best fights!

Also, I'm so tickled that his fellow realtors think Phil's hilarious. ;D

Also, also:

"Oh, no..."

SGU, 2.03

FUN FUN FUN! I love 'explore the new alien ship' eps. And we got new aliens (so adorable, oddly enough) and a gate nursery (so cool)! That Rush pretended not to be jazzed about. I SEE THRU YOU RUSH.

Volker solemnly restocking Young with moonshine broke my heart. Should be interesting to see how Young reacts once Lucian Hottie Leader finally makes a move on his woman.

Lou Diamond Phillips got left behind. Woe. At least he wasn't killed immediately. That tense moment when they all join him in the main room was awesome. Watch, he'll show up next season as their alien king.

Caprica, 1.11

I admit, show, I feel like I should like you more than I do. But you keep getting better and better, and I just can't quit you. You pretty. ♥

Dude, that final scene was intense. I'm digging that apparently Amanda was completely prepared to end Clarice for getting her daughter killed (that deadly look on her face in the scenes leading up to the final one, omg), but seems to have decided to go double agent instead. For now. I'm so relieved they didn't kill her off when she went over that bridge. We need her. And now looks like they're gearing up for her character having a major influence on the rest of the season. Wooot!

Evol!Daniel is so much more fun.

Sam continues to be fuckin' hot just standing there.

Needs more Zoe. And Sam. Needs much more Sam. And Larry. Sam/Larry, I heart you. Though really... Larry? Alien worlds eons in the past and he's named... Larry. >.<

Fannish Friday 5: Which 5 persons from any fandom would you place on a lonely island to get the most interesting reaction?

Uh, I'm assuming they mean characters and not actual people from fandom. I can't figure out if I'm suppose to be on this island, tho, or if it's for like, a new series. I've got to stop overthinking these things alkfjda. I'm gonna go for the characters/series angle. I wanna be able to see the fun, but avoid the actual work part, pbbt.

01. The
02. entire
03. cast
04. of Community.
05. And Sawyer from Lost.


tv: caprica, gale howard, fannish five, tv: glee, picspam: hellcats, tv: modern family, tv: stargate universe, teevee, picspam: gale, tv: hellcats, tv: community

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