in which there is badfic, slashy boys and teevee.

Oct 05, 2010 02:51

Yes, [Kirk] misses the Enterprise . He remembers when he lost her, in flame and glory with Klingons in her tummy while he was trying to save Spock from death. -ST fic
OH MY GOD NO. NO NO NO. THE ENTERPRISE DOES NOT HAVE A TUMMY. Now I will never see the word Klingon again and not think of the Enterprise dying from horrible, Klingon-induced indigestion.

I'm still so behind on teevee, oy. But I did catch my newest crack!

Hawaii Five-O, 1.03

OH SHOW. Thank you for the slashy moments. Really. Thank you. ♥

Grace (meeting Steve for the first time): [Dad] talks about you a lot too. :D

And now I'm ded. The whole time at the football game between the group was v. nice. Until the shooting started, heh.

Dear Doogie Howser, your BFF Vinnie moved to Hawaii and is in crime now. Plz retrieve him ASAP. P.S. The sharks are v. fond of him. That whole scene was surreal, heh. Drinking on the job, tsk tsk.

Danny: You weren't held when you were a baby, were you?
Steve: ...and I was held. I have photos if you want proof.
Danny: Photoshopped.

Banter = foreplay. ♥

Oh, Steve. Danno yells cos he cares. And, y'know, doesn't wanna die in a firey car crash. :P

Convertable girls drive up and it's bright out, and then it's hella dark at the party. That's some major missing time. And that right there? Slash potential, my friends. Mmmmm.

Danny: look like James Bond and I look like a waiter.


And then. AND THEN. Steve got the governor involved with Danno's child custody case and then was all *appreciate me* and "Guess you're not alone after all." and I die. Oh, OTP. ♥ Danno's scene with the intercom!Rachel (or her maid, heh) was lovely. Not enough hours. :((

ALSO OMG STARGATE UNIVERSE IS BACK AND KICKING ASS. I was gonna cut for spoilers, but I'm at that point where I'm just arm flailing and repeating OMG a lot. RUSH PLAYING HARDBALL AS THE NEGOTIATOR WAS THE BEST THING EVER.

Fannish Friday 5: Name five characters who should have their own spinoffs.

01. Todd. QaF. It'd be called How's It Going?, of course!
02. Brittany. Glee. Imagine her murmured words of wisdom for an hour an episode, you guys. EXACTLY.
03. Sawyer & Miles. Lost. I'm still hoping for that buddy cop show.
04. Paris. Gilmore Girls. I would kill to see her change her major to law and be all brill and obviously blunt.
05. Gunther. Friends. That man has some stories to tell, I just know eet.

I just counted. I have 63 tabs open. O.o

fic: star trek, tv: hawaii five-o, movies: star trek, fannish five, tv: stargate universe, steve/danno, teevee

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