oh noez heroes

Aug 25, 2010 22:30

Ugh... I was writing this up and went to check when the new season started so I could start my squee countdown.


WTF AM HEARTBROKEN. WHERE AM I GONNA GET MY ZACH FIX ON TV NOW HUH WHERE??? :((((((( Sigh. For some reason it didn't sink in that ZQ being in NY lately wasn't exactly condusive to him filming in LA. Cos I am quick like that. Life hard. I really loved that damn show, guys.

Anyway. The last eps:

Heroes, 4.18

Dude. I want mooooar of The Sylar and Peter Show. SO MUCH LOVE.

If we go by 1) Peter's throw-away comment how an hour = year 2) the fact that he got to Matt's house after Janice left for work and she evidentally wasn't home yet by the time he and Sylar break out and 3) Peter looking at his watch and saying it'd been about half a day, they spent at least 6-8 years together. (On top of that, Sylar had three years alone. So say, ten years. TEN YEARS Sylar experienced in his head. With first no one but yourself and your clocks for companionship -- him listening so intently to the insides of the watches he was fixing were really the only conversations he had for years -- and then someone who can barely stand to look at you.)


Enough time for eventual forgiveness and gifts. SRSLY. They gave each other books aldkfaj. Peter spent at least a whole month not talking to Sylar at all and what does Sylar do? Brings him comics cos Peter likes 'em. And gets fluster-annoyed when Peter won't accept his peace offering alfdja. And later Peter admits he was appreciative of Sylar's patience with him and gave him the book (The Pillars of the Earth -- huge book about the building of a cathedral in the 1100s. I don't even know. I'm assuming in show context it's all about the laying down of a new foundation and new beginnings etc) he found 'lying around' because Sylar'd read the crap outta his original copy -- and Sylar being genuinely touched that someone had been nice to him, aww. And Sylar worries about Peter not eating. Even though they apparently never had the physical need.

I just... oh, boys. ♥

Sylar's reaction to why Peter would hold on to his rage all those years, when it was just the two of them, struck me. He genuinely seemed confused by it and for someone struggling with the concept of 'good emotions' like forgiveness, etc, it kinda made sense. He was already in the We're All We've Got, Stick Together You Dumbass mindset and for Peter to be stonewalling him (in more ways than one, heh) had to be frustrating.

I was all :| at Peter just having a sledgehammer for the wall, cos, hello, they can think things into existance -- imagine some TNT or a tsunami to sweep the wall out to sea or something. But then came the revelations that both of them had their reasons for wanting to stay. I just... OMG. It tooks 'years', but there it was. Sylar accepts responsibility for his actions and that this punishment is what he deserves-- No, seriously. Go read that sentence again. Sylar accepted responsibility for his actions! I wouldn't doubt having Nathan's memories helped, but I don't think you can say they were the only reason. I mean, hello, Nathan was no choir boy. He was pretty devious in his own right. And Peter. Well, Peter is second-guessing the wisdom of letting Sylar out at all and unleashing a killer on the world again, no matter what his dream of the future showed him.

On top of all THAT, Sylar had Nathan's memories at random times and that had to make him feel closer to Peter, whether either wanted that or not. Though, really, we know Sylar wanted it, since being alone was the only alternative and that scared his little sociopathic pants off.

And I'm not even touching on the slash potential and boy, is there potential, omg. This ep had to be a goldmine for Sylar/Peter shippers, guh. YEARS alone with no outside influence. Things popping up just because they have memories of it -- from both their minds. OTOH, there's the Petrellicest! Cos, well, hey, now Sylar has those memories and feelings too. A brother, his lover and his brother's killer and two of those are the same person with shared random memories, dude. And they're alone and growing closer, against all odds.

Even Peter admits by the end that he knows Sylar has changed and isn't the same man he was. It's what chips at the wall and ultimately helps bring it down.

That is a lot of fanfic fodder, my friends.

Oh, ep, I love you. You made my brain short out from all the little aldfkjasdlfkjas moments.

Oh, yeah, and Claire and her dad were buried alive. Whatev.

Next ep's preview: Sylar, "I'm a hero."


Heroes, 4.19 - Finale

So, Tracy... widened five stories of dirt into mud with her waterbody... um, HUH?

Okay, wait. Doyle forces Emma to play her cello. If he's the sole one controlling her actions, when did he learn to play cello? :| And if her emotions are what drive the power, the lure of the cello, why doesn't she just project OMG STAY AWAY feelings into the music? Bleh, whatever.

This ep needs more Sylar. :(

LAUREN: What's she doing?
NOAH: Breaking my heart.

Claire, you ignorant bitch. :| Stupid, stupid, stupid. On the flip side, will keep the new season interesting! Like a reboot, ooh. Sigh.

I feel a Heroes marathon coming on. *clutches DVDs*

zach attack quinto, drama queen, tv: heroes, the teevee gods are cruel, teevee

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