UEFA: Barca vs. Arsenal
Started with a TWO (early) goal lead -- only to lose them to a tie AND Puyol AND Pique next game. WHAT. WHAT.
OMG YOU GUYS MAN U V. CHELSEA IN TWELVE HOURS ALKDALJ. Of course, Rooney is injured and will miss it. *headdesk*
Flashforward, 1.14
Anyone else expect the DHARMA logo to pop up on the screen when they put that tape in? Heh.
Okay, so, wait. They go to Somalia in the daytime and just walk down the middle of the street? :|
Camel = kangaroo?
Charlie's FF: It's April. I wonder what the fireworks are going off for.
The guy who's supposed to stop the war just got killed. That... can't be good. :|
Olivia: I'm gay.
Demetri: I'll make you gayer.
HEEE. Aw, I reallyreally want Willa to be Demetri's.
You guys. I would watch this show just for Cho and Dom. I'm so doing grabby hands right now.
DUDE. So that guy knew Demetri & Co. would show up in 2009 back in 1991. ADLKFASLJ. This show is gonna be fuckin' with my head after Lost is gone, y/y?
V, 1.05
I knew that dude was gonna end up being dinner but this:
SCARED THE CRAP OUTTA ME HEEEEE. The way they unfolded and omg. I'm still not sure how that WORKS for the Vs (I'd be the geeky V gagging on my own teeth all the time), but it was damned cool. :D