1) OWFUCKTHATHURT 2) Lost heals all

Mar 29, 2010 20:12

Wanted to die for a week, but much better now. Life beyond smoothies sipped from a spoon is v. v. good. AND NOW I'M OFFICIALLY DONE HAVING TEETH YANKED OUTTA MY HEAD.

Lost, 6.08 - Enhanced

Ohh, I missed this the first time: Sawyer has his Alice in Wonderland "look in the mirror" moment. Of course, he's the only one so far to put his fist through it, heh. And even has that hand bandaged later on. I love you, continuity ppl.

I reallyreally wanna know who the MIB's crazy mom was. "I had some growing pains." My money's on those "pains" turning out to be the cause of millions of deaths or something. You watch.

Okay, so, the smoke monster. That sonic fence keeps it out. How in the world did people find that out? And what is the smoke monster made out of that it doesn't like sonic waves? I can't see him being some fallen god or something and it's SONIC WAVES that confound it. :| Must be tied into all that electricity we see whenever the monster goes on a rampage.

"James is watching the tv show Little House on the Prairie. In the S3 ep "Tricia Tanaka is Dead", James explained to Kate that he was sick with mono as a kid. James missed 2 months of school and the only TV channel they received aired Little House." I forgot about that! Pa Ingalls wisdom in James's life is making more sense, yup yup.

Sawyer + sunflowers = HAI THAR I LIKE U!!! See, you and Charlotte are not MFEO. GO FIND JULIET! Charlotte needs to run into Daniel, thank you v. much.

Dude. What's behind that locked door on the sub?

"'New Otherton' is Saywer's nickname for the DHARMA barracks where the Others also lived for a time." Something else I forgot!

Saywer to Locke: You said you were gonna get me off this island. A deal's a deal.

What I desperately wish? That he'd add "alive" to that deal. :\

Lost, 6.09

RICHARD RICHARD RICHARD. :X Flashbacks with period clothes and Spanish-speaking!Richard ON A HORSE IN THE RAIN and omg. SO MUCH AWESOME.

It being hell. Red herring, y/y? At least I hope so. I don't want this to be hell. :\

Ben: Oh, this should be interesting.
Ben: Locke is dead. If it's any consolation, it isn't EXACTLY Locke.

Aw, I like Isabella. Clearly she is going to die.

ADSLFKJA. I thought they said the guy who bought Richard was Mr. Widmore, as in Charles's ancestor and got all excited. But it's Mr. Whitfield. SO CLOSE.

THE BOAT KILLED THE WEIRD-TOE!STATUE! MORE ANSWERS! Now, who made the statue? :P I'm guessing some other people Jacob brought to the island? Hmn.

Isabella's there alkdjfa. Okay, so, smoke monster only appears as dead people. That's just creepy. And some sort of clue prolly. Aw, man. Richard had to go through losing her TWICE. :((

Jacob: I was here, long before your ship.


I hope that pig they're eating wasn't the same one that ate Richard's boatmates. ;p

Okay, just to straighten it out in my head:

MIB = Smoke Monster = "Locke"
Richard = Ben
Jacob = Jacob

There's something about Jacob being the only constant.

Richard: Are you the devil?
Jacob: No.

I wish Richard had asked if the MIB was. :\

The island is a giant cork on evol. Soooo, um. Wouldn't that make the LAXverse super evol? No island = evol world. But everyone seemed better off. AM SO CONFUSED. Though the wine bottle analogy was v. nifty.

Jacob: That man who sent you to kill me believes that everyone is corruptable because it is in their very nature to sin. I bring people here to prove him wrong. And when they get here, their past doesn't matter.


So. Hmn. Jacob never stepped in before Richard suggested it? Or was just making it appear that Richard's new job as the middleman was actually Richard's idea?

Jacob CAN'T:
Bring back the dead
Absolve sin

Jacob CAN:
Give immortality with a touch


Random: Tomorrow's enhanced ep is gonna rock when it goes over all this. :D

Aww, Isabella. Nice how they cut Hurley's translation out after the first line and just let Richard and Isabella talk. Time to go back to work, Richard. Gotta stop MIB or everyone's screwed. No pressure!

Jacob: Even if you do, someone will take my place.

THAT MUST BE THE WEE!BLOND KID RUNNING AROUND. Or, no, wait. One of the candidates, huh? Damn. I wanna know who that kid is!

MIB breaking that bottle at the end. CHILLS. I GOT CHILLS.

tv: lost, drama queen, teevee

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