late night babbling

Feb 05, 2010 23:08

01. Every time Dax Shepard goes on a talk show and they show that When In Rome clip of him as a male model explaining why he chose the name Gale ("I chose that name because it's stong, like a gale force wind!"), it sends me into fits of giggles to rival even badfic!Justin, cos, y'know, GALE. Also, I am ridiculously excited for Parenthood to start so there will be more Dax in my life. Now if only Future Mrs. Dax would get a new show. I miss you on TV, Kristen. :(

02. Rogelio won the Australian Open! What a difference a year makes, y/y? And I know the Federbbs are still too young to be out in the loudness that is professional tennis, but I can't help it, I totally look for them in Roger's box with grandma and grandpa every time Roger plays aldkfjas. Rafa having to drop out in the semis, though, that about killed me. His poor knee. Small tear, the news said, and four weeks out. Oh, bb, life's not fair.

03. I'm downright giddy that Vin has the next two Fast and Furious scripts in his hot little huge hands. TWO scripts! Now I just have to decide how spoiled I wanna be for any future leaks about the storylines. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.

04. So, you know Jules's neighbor, Grayson, on Cougar Town? Dude. Gale was so made for that part. Divorced guy in his 40s who owns a bar, man-ho with younger women, but is messed up from his ex-wife and hung up on Jules and gets to be sarcastic and funny and just guh.

05. If I see Ingrid Michaelson's Keep Breathing on one more fanmix today, I'm gonna cut a bitch. THERE ARE OTHER SONGS PPL. Ones that might even fit your mix!

06. Just finished the series finale of Dollhouse and aside from Adelle, Topher was like, the only one I really cared enough about to want to live and they totally BLEW HIM UP. *cries* He was so broken and Adelle was so worried and gentle with him, I just loved that about her. Twist I didn't see coming: Boyd being a co-founder of the company. Also, Eliza emoting on the floor after Paul died shouldn't make me laugh, but I'm sorry, that shit was funny. "PAUUUL NOOOOO." Hee. Him ending up in her head was bleh. Good way to end the series for the shippers, but I actually liked the darker road they didn't take.


YOU GUYS LOOKIT HIM. The boy is killing me with kindness adorkableness. His bug antennae hair, omg. Also, why do I find it insanely endearing that he has such trouble shaving his Adam's apple? The full-sized pic kills me. His body language aldkfjasl.

gale howard, movies: fast and the furious, tv: dollhouse, tv: cougar town, tv: parenthood, tennis, rafa, roger, federbbs, celebs, teevee, picspam: gale

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