the luke and noah show and other teevee things. plus a rec!

Jul 18, 2009 01:19

I somehow managed to sprain my... thumb. I don't even know.

So, I'm trying not to freak out at how far behind I am on Nuke recaps once again. Thus I'm just jumping in with the last two that aired. Will still do the older ones later on, but the thought of doing all ten at once makes me wet myself.

ATWT, 7-09

L: Are you sure you're ready for this?

I might have rewound this, um, a few times. :">

I swear, Van has the nicest nails. *looks at my own bitten ones* :\

N: Yeah, absolutely.
L: Cos moving in together, that... that's a big step.
N: Are you having doubts?
L: No, no, no! I'm not having doubts, but if you are...
N: Well, I'm not.
L: Well, you just don't seem very happy.
N: Well, next to you, Mr. Sunshine, who would?

Well! That was a lot of wells! And Sunshine, hee. Luke = Justin. <3 I'm just relieved we're back to them talking about the move-in.

L: if you need a little breather before we move in together--
N: No, no, I don't. We've been putting this off for too long already.

SRSLY. Is that apartment guy even still holding them a place anymore? :| Though I guess he'd be too afraid not to, heh. Bad gay press, zomg!

L: Are you sure?
N: Are you trying to change my mind?
L: No, no, I'm trying to make sure that you're in a good emotional place before making a big life change.
N: You been watching more Dr. Phil?
L: No... no... a little bit. *fingers*
N: Mmmn. *smothers smirk*

MY FAVORITE SCENE EVER. Moments like this are what make me love these two so much. Also, they remind me of the super-polite Chip n' Dale from the Disney cartoons, going back and forth. :D

L: But I'm serious. You can be honest with me. I can take it.
N: Oh, really.
L: Yeah.
N: So what would you do if I were to tell you I was having second thoughts?
L: Oh, I would freak out.
N: See, you are so predictable. :D


Also, aw, damn. Cos I do believe that was Noah's subconscious way of saying he really was having second thoughts.

L: Oh, is that what it is? You don't want to be stuck for life with Good Ole Boring Uninteresting Luke?
N: Hey, all I said was predictable. :D
L: *hee*
N: Look, I am going to go to the dorm. Just give me an hour and I'll meet you back here.
L: Okay.
N: Whaaat?
L: What what?
N: What you. What's that look?
L: It's just really happening.
N: Yeah. Yeah, it is. :)

So they keep telling us.

Damian and Lily talk about the boys moving in together and are more adorable together than Damian and Meg ever will be.

D: I'll admit I wasn't always comfortable with the idea, but Noah's a great man, so I try to look at it like I'm not losing a son, I'm gaining a--
Lily: A son! :D

Hee. She's so giddy.

Damian gets this *am proud papa, my son is a dork* look that makes me gleeeeeeful when Luke busts in, needing the money. Luke wants to have Damian over for dinner. Damian? Would be delighted. Aww.

L: Yeah, we just have to get pots and pans. And dishes. And learn how to cook. But then, I promise!

SO CUTE. Dude, what exactly did they need the movers for again? They have like, one bed and CDs! Also, yes, I totally flashed on Mr. Kinney's buff moving guys when Luke started going on about big guys, woot!

L: *goes to leave*
Lily: Love you.
D: Love you, son.

D'aww! How impossible did that scenario happening seem, not all that long ago?

D: I'ts a gift to find someone you love who loves you back just as much. So, how can a father object to that?

L: Come on, Noah, where are you? *texts*
L's cell phone: *gets checked*
L's cell phone 2 seconds later: *gets checked again*

This whole scene would be full of adorkable!Luke if it didn't make me so :( for them. Poor bb. Since the kidnapping, letting Noah outta his sight must be hard. You just never know when psychotic women intent on having you impregnate them will show up and take off with your boyfriend!

Meanwhile, back at the dorm...

Random Hallway Guy: Moving out?
N: Yeah, finally. :D
Random Hallway Guy: Looks like that top flap is open.
N: ...Yeah. :/

I'm not sure, but I think Noah just got flirted with. Either way, most inane convo ever. And, dammit, I wanted to see the inside of Noah's room! BUILD THIS SET, ATWT. *taps foot*

PTSD!Noah after seeing his dad's medal. Yeah, thanks a lot, Random Hallway Guy!

Meanwhile, Damian and Lily are bonding again over Luke finally getting regular sexing up moving in with Noah.



Lily: Noah is a rock. He'll anchor them both.

I see it more 50/50, but okay! That's a lot of pressure on Noah.

D: They've been through a lot.
Lily: Yeah. I think that's why he's so stready. I mean, he had to be in order to survive.

Ow, anvil just fell on my head. It's all gonna faaaaall apart! Poor strong!Noah. :(

Luke can't find Noah and his *OMGOHNOEZ* face is making me wanna hug him.

The acting at the army base scenes fell flat for me, I have no idea why. Just... meh. I did like that Luke found Noah fairly easy and that Damian cares enough about Noah to immediately want to help and be there. Yay, Grimaldi boys!

L: Are you okay?
N: I thought I could handle it. ... I think I've been kidding myself, thinking I could put my father behind me. I don't think I ever will.

You and every male character in every show I've ever watched, bb. *pats*

I'm captivated by Luke's hair in that cap. Honey, what's going on here, what's this about? /Karen voice-hand wave, Will & Grace

N: He's in my head all the time.
D: Then you have to make him leave.
N: I wish I knew how to do that.
D: Do you mind if I help?
N: No, of course not.
L: What are you gonna do?

I swear that was my first thought aldkja. I, uh, have been reading a lot of ST Reboot fic lately. Moving on.

Damian is all *mysterious* even though I knew this was definitely leading to setting something on fire. He phones Lily -- yeah, I don't know why either. Viking burial rituals seem like it should be manwork! And its not like they needed her to get onto the property. It's Luke's house. I guess just cos she'd want to be supportive of her son-in-law? That works. *shrugs*

L: You ready, Olaf?

AHAHAHAH AWWWWWW. ♥ Sunshine + Olaf ♥

Noah finally gets a good look at Luke's hair.

And is all
. Yeah, we don't know what happened either, bb. It actually looks better from the side like that than front-on. Highlights! ♥

This, my friends, is not just a back pat, oh no. It is a *back pat with added rubbing action*. FTW!

Noah's pokes the raft out -- and promptly hits Luke in the arm with the stick, hee. This cap just barely misses the *poke*, but still amuses me. Van barely even reacts, bless his little professional heart.

N: Only one problem. That movie was my senior project. Now what am I supposed to do?

I would like to propose a sex tape with your blond sound guy. Automatic A+ for that class. I'm just saying.

ATWT, 7-15

Reader's Digest version for this ep:

Luke starts happy like this!

And ends up like this. :(

It is uber sad and frustrating and makes me wanna grab Noah and Holden by the balls and pull hard. Even though Holden is just being a dad and Noah is still all PTSD and I still heart them.

*wild hands*

But before all that, there was kissage!

See? Happy boys touching happy lips!

And some speshul!Luke aldfkja.

Good lord. That cap is so getting iconned later.

The new professor is a hottie kthx. Pretentious and gaygaygay for Noah, no doubt, but hot!

Noah about Mason, "...I have to do what he says." Oh, Noah. You and your authority figure issues are gonna have a field day with this situation. \:D/

L: Ahhhh! My boyfriend's turning into my father. Unh, so weird.

His face when he says that aldfkja. Also, totally B/J with the "go back to college" schtick.

N: I just want you to find something that grabs you like filmmaking grabs me.

Shouldn't Noah know Luke does have a thing and it's writing? :| He's been doing it since they met, not to mention the way Luke's eyes lit up when he handed Noah his screenplay. Sigh. Still, is sweet in that melancholy way how he just wants the best for Luke.

Dude. Just because they aren't using Luke's script, why does that mean Luke can't still help Noah shoot the film? Yeah, I'm just as confused, Luke. ILLOGICAL DECISION IS ILLOGICAL. At least Noah opted to tell Luke the truth about how he made his decision and didn't make something up to spare his feelings that'll come back later and bite him in the butt.

In conclusion: Luke's going back to school and wholly miserable and Noah's gonna be uber busy this summer with the film and keeping Mason outta (or possibly in) his pants and the moving in together thing with Luke better stick I don't care what Damian said about them being too young and just damn.


And while we're on ATWT stuffs:

Drive-by vid rec: So What by frances-veritas | ATWT | Luke/Noah (with a splash of Van/Jake). I'm still cheezer grinning and bouncing my head.

Private Practice



Caught the first two eps of Harper's Island. I'm so hooked. I'm gonna need a couple more eps, though, before I will stop seeing Christopher and yelling out, "It's Betty's Henry!"

Dark Blue. Well, hello, awesome new show! Please don't get cancelled. I'll admit, the main reason I wanted to check this show out wasn't Dylan McD. He's pretty, but doesn't do much for me otherwise. But Logan Marshall-Green (aka Ryan's brother Trey from The O.C.) is on this! Why, yes, I would let him do dirty things to me.

recs, picspam: atwt, tv: private practice, tv: atwt, luke/noah, tv: dark blue, tv: harper's island, teevee

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