of tennis and teevee and me

Jun 04, 2009 23:00

Roland Garros: 4th Rd: Soderling def. Nadal 6-2, 6-7(2), 6-4, 7-6(2)

Aw, Rafa. :(

And he was so close to breaking that 4 straight wins record, too. And having a Fedal final! Woe.

Rafa, "I didn't play my best. But I lost. It's not a tragedy, I had to lose one day. I must accept my defeats with the same level of calm that I accept my victories." <--That last sentence so sounds like Uncle Toni. ♥

And then he joked about his next plans being for his new house's swimming pool and was adorkable, but you could tell he was still in shock. I'm kinda nauseous this had to happen against jackass Soderling, of all people. And on your b-day week. Happy birthday, eh? Gah.

Well, least your boyfriend Rogelio is looking damned fine for the win this year. (Roger vs. Del Potro tomorrow for the semi. Career Grand Slam here he comes! *game face on*) Plus, y'know, the amount of h/c Fedal fic this whole dealio should produce will be epic. IhopeIhopeIhope.

ALSO OMG. Rafa, "I played very short and I couldn't attack. I made it easy for him to play at his level."

BWA! Someone just got served, Rafa style.

How about some bare shoulder therapy. It always makes me feel better after a Rafa loss.

Holy tennis moly. So smooooooooooooooooth.

Owfuckityow!, aka The Continuing Story of Ree's Mouth

What is dry socket?

Only a very small percentage -- about 2% to 5% of people -- develop dry socket after a tooth extraction. The socket is the hole in the bone where the tooth has been removed. After a tooth is pulled, a blood clot forms in the socket to protect the bone and nerves underneath. Sometimes that clot can become dislodged or dissolve a couple of days after the extraction. That leaves the bone and nerve exposed to air, food, fluid, and anything else that enters the mouth. This can lead to infection and severe pain that can last for five or six days. --WebMD

Yup, I developed that. D: With added mega-infection and everything, cos I'm an overachiever. I was so miserable. By the time my symptoms presented, my dentist was gone for the long holiday weekend and I had to hang on until a Tuesday appointment. I was living on Tylenol and Orajel, which barely touched it. Now I'm just finishing up my antibiotics and Vicodin and finally feeling better. I can eat! My head doesn't feel like someone is jabbing a knife in it! My Barca boys won Champions League! Sorry, that last one just slipped in. *cough*

Upside of feeling gross -- caught up on a bunch of teevee, woot!

Grey's Anatomy

Goddammit, George. GODDAMMIT. :((((((

I knew it was him who got squashed by the bus the moment they sent him off to surgery and we didn't hear from him forever. But Meredith's reaction when "007" sunk in still tore my heart out. It was so RAW and PERFECT and gah, made me burst into tears.

Mostly I'm just bummed and annoyed TR and Katherine want off the show and their return is unlikely, but who knows. The way they left George, I can't see him surviving, much less recouping well enough to ever perform surgery again. Unless we come back and the first thing on the screen is "Five Years Later".

Izzie, she could still recover. I want her back at the same time I don't because of the awesome storyline it would give Alex next season if she did die. Plus, y'know, Katherine being a spoiled bitch lately. Poor Alex. He's grown so much and then this happens. I swear, life really likes fucking with that guy.

Derek proposing in the elevator. SO MUCH LOVE. And then they get "married" by Post-it Note. Something quiet that fit who they were. See, THAT'S the kind of quasi-wedding I wanted Brian and Justin to have. Under the streetlamp, signed on a condom wrapper pulled from Brian's wallet. Tru wuv 4ever.

Loved Christina tearing down the fan above her bed and later her, "I'm going to hug you." to Meredith. AWWW. They've both grown so much this season.

You know, I just realized this the rare show where I love every canon pairing for an entire season. Whoa. I don't think that's ever happened before.

Meredith/Derek. I wasn't onboard for M/D for years, but they're kinda MFEO in that dark and twisty way.
Alex/Izzie. Chemistry, mmm.
Callie/Hahn. I'm still annoyed the show didn't give them a chance.
Callie/Arizona. Callie's always been my girl, and well, I heart Arizona beyond belief. I would so do her.
Christina/Owen. No words. :X :X :X :X

This season has been pretty damned awesome on the whole, ghost!Denny aside :| :| :|.


OMG PETER IS FROM AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE LAKDFLASKJD. SO MUCH MAKES SENSE NOW. Like why Peter didn't remember so much of his early life when Walter would mention little things. Makes me wanna watch the entire season all over again to catch the little clues. But I won't cos the show was kinda painfully boring in the beginning. But that ending, omg. THE TWIN TOWERS Y'ALL. AND THE WHITE HOUSE GETTING BLOWEDED UP. And Obama still being elected President. COS HE KICKS ASS IN ALL UNIVERSES, BITCHES!

Oh, Walter. Just, that moment when he picked up that coin on the metal box and remembered in that quiet way. I just, my heart! To be that grief-stricken he helps create the science to travel to another universe and then kidnaps his son from there because he can't bear the thought of life without him. AND THEN FORGETS THAT COS OF THE DRUGS/SHOCKS AT THE INSANE ASYLUM. Then he left a note and went to original!Peter's grave. :(((((((((

All this, of course, leaves open the question of what the AU!Walter thought of all this, what with his son getting 'napped and all. O.o Assuming AU!Peter was even kidnapped, who knows how they'll handle that. The way Walter talks about it, he was all *TAKES WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY HIS* after the death.

In conclusion, Walter is love. And Pacey is still hot.


That whole season and especially the finale was AWESOME. Scott Bakula as Chuck's dad aldkfjsa. I used to so crush on him, back in the Quantum Leap days. Sam Beckett! ♥ Then with Chuck choosing to be the new Intersect and whatshisface dying and Chevy Chase being evol and Morgan not annoying me as much and Sarah choosing Chuck in the end and Casey being awesome and Awesome being awesome and omg I can't wait for the new season!


I feel like I should be more upset about them killing Nathan than I am. :\


Ugly Betty

Molly. :(((((((((((((

I can't believe how much I already miss her.

The finale was better than the entire season, but I really wish we could stop beating the dead Henry storyline. Also, I liked Matt, but Betty suddenly dating a bzillionaire was really a lot of shark jumpage to me, bleh. Best thing that happened this season (besides the epicness that is my love for Daniel/Molly) is the BFFness of Marc/Betty/Amanda. I'm pretty jazzed they got as much screentime together as they did. Their scenes are usually what made me laugh.


Bye-bye, Grissom. :(

Nick: I will never forget the things you've taught me.
Grissom: You're the best student I ever had, Nick.

And my OTP for this show is officially broken up.


The Grissom good-bye ep was so good. They don't do enough serial killer storylines, I say. And this was a good one! (I still wish they'd done better with the Miniature Killer in the beginning of the season, but ah, well.) Grissom was so... Grissom in this one. Right when he's leaving, of course. The Spike Channel had a marathon of eps starting from the pilot the other day. Made me miss him even more. Woe.

Really loved Grissom being genuinely startled by how everyone reacted so emotionally to his news in the first part. And how he did his best to say private good-byes to his people. Oh, Griss. <3

Loved the whole last walk-thru the lab and how it was done without a word. And Hodges' "The bad guys will win more if we don't have you." killed me most, aside from Nick's. The way he says it just broke my heart.

The ending was... eh. Not a fan of Grissom/Sara, but I did love that Grissom ended up among his beloved ALIVE bugs in the jungle, though. Aww.

I wasn't sure if I was gonna like Lawrence Fishburn taking over, BUT OMG. I'M SO IN LOVE WITH HIS CHARACTER RAY.

Oh, and I never got to post about it at the time, but: Warrick done got himself killed. It bummed me out more than I expected. I think knowing Grissom was leaving soon didn't help. Oh, CSI. You're just not the same without the whole crew, but I still love you. And I know the leaving behind a son was supposed to "comfort" us in knowing that his line carries on, but all it did was make me sadder. Poor little dadless baby Warrick. Though I do like the idea of Nick and Greg visiting a lot and hanging out with wee!Warrick. Or that day when Nick is running the place and a grown-up Warrick Jr. walks in for a job. I so want that flashforward for the finale. ♥

I like Riley. I didn't think I would, for some reason.

Nick in charge is freakin' hot.

Yup, still lovin' Ray.

Well, hello, Michelle Clunie! You are looking pretty damn gorgeous. Which is proof that you did not dress yourself.

Wow, I so fast-forwarded through most of the Star Trek ep. And I like ST! And Hodges!

This wrestling ep is dumb. WHY is this the 300th ep? Hardly anyone from the original cast is even in it!

The casino chips one is the season finale? ...really?

Gossip Girl


Saw Glee too and can already tell I'm gonna fangirl hard on that show, and an ep here and there of Burn Notice cos I kept dozing off during the marathon, argh. ATWT , Terminator , House and 24 and prolly some others I'm forgetting are still on my To Watch list. I need to get another tooth pulled just for the sick time to watch my shows, heh.

In other TV news, Samantha Who? and My Name is Earl got cancelled. Sunovabitch. I want to write angry letters!

tv: grey's anatomy, tv: ugly betty, tv: heroes, the teevee gods are cruel, tv: glee, tennis, rafa, tv: gossip girl, tv: csi, tv: chuck, roger, ree's most excellent adventures, tv: fringe, teevee

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