
May 01, 2009 14:56

• OMG, shape5, guess what I'm wearing at this v. moment akjfsl;fjsljas. Only the v. most awesomest FCB hat evah! I think you should know that there was a lot of bouncing and squealing involved when the package was opened, before I quickly pulled my ponytail through the back and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror and did some more bouncing. :D :D :D THANK YOU SO MUCH!

• Still working on the Nuke recap (wow, they got a lot of airtime!), but this pretty much sums up the last few eps: ALFDKJA;SLKJ OMG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND WANNA HAVE THEIR TINY LITTLE GAY BABIES BUT NOT IN THE CREEPY ZOE WAY KTHX.

• Things are going swimmingly in Rome with my tennis boys. There could be a Fedal final this Sunday. I peepeed a little just typing that. Also, how is it just seeing Roger's ballet toes and shadow makes me so giddy?

LOOKIT THOSE BALLET TOES. ♥ I can't believe he got his shoes dirty. :P

• Know what else is Sunday? GALEFACE ON DH. More peepee time. Oh, you know that new interview?

I thought he was holding a cigarette at first and my eyes bugged out. Then he moved and it was the building behind him alsdjfa.

Also, he is still adorkable. And must never wear any other sunglasses but those. Ever.

I love how he tries to avoid saying spoilers, even though the entire internet already knows what happens, hee. I really wanna know what direction they were originally gonna go with Jackson. Maybe on the DVD commentary?

"I've come back 100%."

"I remember being aware that I may do something unpleasant to one of my meaningful motorcycles and trying to prevent that from happening. ... You never want something that you love to get hurt..."
HIS CHEEZER GRIN AS HE SAYS ALL THAT AND WHEN HE GIDDY LAUGHS ABOUT HOW HE'S EXCITED TO GET BACK ON TOP OF RANDY HIS BB ALDJFASLJ. Also, dude, you better not have nearly killed yourself just to avoid totaling your motorcycle, like the driver who careens off the cliff rather than hit the deer.

Gale's accident used as a lawyer ad. Classy. :|

gale howard, tv: atwt, soccer: barcelona, gale and his mad motorcycle skillz, luke/noah, thank you and you and you, tennis, rafa, tv: desperate housewives, roger

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